DotNetNuke 07.04.00 – Administration Authentication Bypass

  • 作者: Marios Nicolaides
    日期: 2016-05-06
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • # Exploit Title: DotNetNuke 07.04.00 Administration Authentication Bypass
    # Date: 06-05-2016
    # Exploit Author: Marios Nicolaides
    # Vendor Homepage:
    # Software Link:
    # Version: 07.04.00
    # Tested on: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional (64-bit)
    # Contact:
    # CVE: CVE-2015-2794
    # Category: webapps
    1. Description
    DotNetNuke 07.04.00 does not prevent anonymous users from accessing the installation wizard, as a result a remote attacker 
    can 'reinstall' DNN and get unauthorised access as a SuperUser.
    Previous versions of DotNetNuke may also be affected.
    2. Proof of Concept
    The exploit can be demonstrated as follows:
    If the DNN SQL database is in the default location and configuration:
    	- Database Type: SQL Server Express File
    	- Server Name: .\SQLExpress
    	- Filename: Database.mdf (This is the default database file of DNN. You can find it at \App_Data\Database.mdf)
    The following URL will create an account with the username: 'host', password: 'dnnhost':
    If the DNN SQL database is not in the default configuration then the attacker must know its configuration or be able to brute-force guess it.
    	A. Visit
    	B. Fill in the form and submit it:
    		Username: whatever
    		Password: whateverpassword
    		Email address: (You will get an error msg due to client-side validation, just ignore it)
    		Website Name: Whatever Site Name
    		Database Setup Custom:
    			- Database Type: SQL Server Express File
    			- Server Name: .\SQLExpress 
    				- This is the SQL Server instance name that we need to find or brute-force guess it in order to complete the installation. 
    				- If MSSQL database is accessible you can use auxiliary/scanner/mssql/mssql_ping from MSF to get it.
    			- Filename: Database.mdf
    				- This is the default database file of DNN. You can find it at "\App_Data\Database.mdf".
    			- Tick the box Run Database as a Database Owner
    	C. You will probably get an error. Remove the "__VIEWSTATE=" parameter from the URL and press enter.
    	D. When the installation completes click Visit Website.
    	E. Login with your credentials.
    3. Solution:
    Update to version 07.04.01
    4. References: (See 2015-05 (Critical) unauthorized users may create new host accounts)