NVIDIA Driver – NvStreamKms ‘PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutineEx Local Stack Buffer Overflow Callback / Local Privilege Escalation

  • 作者: Google Security Research
    日期: 2016-10-31
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/40660/
  • Source: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=918
    The NvStreamKms.sys driver calls PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutineEx to set up a
    process creation notification routine.
    In this particular routine,
    if ( cur->image_names_count > 0 ) {
    // info_ is the PPS_CREATE_NOTIFY_INFO that is passed to the routine.
    image_filename = info_->ImageFileName;
    buf = image_filename->Buffer;
    if ( buf )
    if ( !v5 )
    i = 0i64;
    num_chars = image_filename->Length / 2;
    // Look for the filename by scanning for backslash.
    if ( num_chars )
    while ( buf[num_chars - (unsigned int)i - 1] != '\\' )
    i = (unsigned int)(i + 1);
    if ( (unsigned int)i >= num_chars )
    goto LABEL_39;
    buf += num_chars - (unsigned __int64)(unsigned int)i;
    v26 = (unsigned int)i;
    wcscpy_s((wchar_t *)Dst, i, buf);
    Dst[v26] = 0;
    wcslwr((wchar_t *)Dst);
    v5 = 1;
    wcscpy_s is used incorrectly here, as the second argument is not the size of
    |Dst|, but rather the calculated size of the filename. |Dst| is a stack buffer
    that is at least 255 characters long. The the maximum component paths of most
    filesystems on Windows have a limit that is <= 255 though, so this shouldn't be
    an issue on normal filesystems.
    However, one can pass UNC paths to CreateProcessW containing forward slashes as
    the path delimiter, which means that the extracted filename here can be
    "a/b/c/...", leading to a buffer overflow. Additionally, this function has no
    stack cookie.
    CreateProcessW(L"\\\\?\\UNC\\\\DavWWWRoot\\..../..../..../blah.exe", ...
    Crashing context with my PoC (Win 10 x64 with 372.54):
    fffff801`5c791c6a c3ret
    kd> dqs rsp
    kd> t
    fffff800`5b1d1c6a c3ret
    To reproduce, a WebDAV server is required (can be localhost), and the WebClient
    service needs to be started (start can be triggered by user without additional privileges).
    Then, run setup to create the long path to the target executable (you'll need to
    change the base directories), and then run poc_part1, and then poc_part2 (with
    the right UNC path) on the target machine.
    Proofs of Concept: