Source: http://blog.skylined.nl/20161207001.html
A specially crafted web-page can trigger a memory corruption vulnerability in Microsoft Internet Explorer 9. I did not investigate this vulnerability thoroughly, so I cannot speculate on the potential impact or exploitability.
Known affected software and attack vectors
Microsoft Internet Explorer 9
An attacker would need to get a target user to open a specially crafted web-page. JavaScript does not appear to be required for an attacker to triggering the vulnerable code path.
This bug was found back when I had very little knowledge and tools to do analysis on use-after-free bugs, so I have no details to share. The ZDI did do a more thorough analysis and provide some details in their advisory. I have included a number of reports created using a predecessor of BugId below.
<!doctype html>
<img class="float" ismap="ismap" usemap="map"/>
<map id="map"><area/></map>
<dfn class="float"></dfn>
<a class="float"></a>
<input class="zoom"/>
<q class="border float zoom" xml:space="preserve"></q>
<style type="text/css">
.float {
.zoom {
.border::first-letter {
1 November 2012: This vulnerability was found through fuzzing.
2 November 2012: This vulnerability was submitted to ZDI.
19 November 2012: This vulnerability was acquired by ZDI.
4 February 2013: This vulnerability was disclosed to Microsoft by ZDI.
29 May 2013: Microsoft addresses this vulnerability in MS13-037.
7 December 2016: Details of this vulnerability are released.