Personify360 7.5.2/7.6.1 – Improper Access Restrictions

  • 作者: Pesach Zirkind
    日期: 2017-05-09
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • # Exploit Title: Access and read and create vendor / API credentials in plaintext
    # Date: 3/29/2017
    # Exploit Author: Pesach Zirkind
    # Vendor Homepage:
    # Version: 7.5.2 - 7.6.1
    # Tested on: Windows (all versions)
    # CVE : CVE-2017-7312
    # Category: webapps
    1. Description
    Any website visitor can access a page that allows viewing and creating any vendor accounts and their credentials including all applications that use Personify API's
    It will show username, password and block(api password)
    New accounts can be created, or, existing accounts can be used to spoof the origin of attacker.
    Additionally, roles can be modified for existing vendors
    2. Proof of Concept
    Click: Vendor Management on the left side
    Click on the vendor you wish to edit
    3. Solution:
    The fix is available at Personify’s SFTP site ( as Personify Patch –