CyberArk Viewfinity – Local Privilege Escalation

  • 作者: geoda
    日期: 2017-07-13
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • # Exploit Title: Privilege Escalation via CyberArk Viewfinity <= 5.5 (
    # Date: Found June 2017
    # Vendor Homepage: 
    # Version: Viewfinity version 5.5 (
    # Exploit Author: Eric Guillen aka geoda
    # Contact:
    # Website:
    # Tested on: Windows 7 and Windows 10
    # CVE: CVE-2017-11197
    # Category: Privilege Escalation
    1. Description
    Viewfinity allows the business to "effectively minimize local administrator privileges and control applications on endpoints and servers"
    This vulnerability allows a low privilege user to escalate to an administrative user via a bug within the Viewfinity "add printer" option.
    2. Proof of Concept
    First, verify you are a low privilege user by running the command "net session" in a CMD prompt. Net session displays information about all sessions with the local computer. The user will get Access is denied if they do not have Administrative privileges. 
    1. On the system tray, right click on Viewfinity and "Open Viewfinity Control Panel..."
    2. Click "Add Printer"
    3. Click "Add a network, wireless or Bluetooth printer"
    4. Click "The printer that I want isn't listed"
    5. Click "Select a shared printer by name"
    6. Click the "Browse..." icon
    7. Directly in the browser window, search for "C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe" and press <Enter>
    8. This will spawn a new CMD prompt. Verify you are now Administrator by typing in "net session"
    3. Solution
    Vendor has been notified of this vulnerability and has been addressed in the agent v6.1.1.220. Although untested, this vulnerability could be present prior to v6.1.1.220