WordPress Plugin Easy Modal 2.0.17 – SQL Injection

  • 作者: defensecode
    日期: 2017-08-07
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/42431/
  • DefenseCode ThunderScan SAST Advisory
    WordPress Easy Modal Plugin
    Multiple Security Vulnerabilities
    Advisory ID: DC-2017-01-007
    Advisory Title: WordPress Easy Modal Plugin Multiple Vulnerabilities
    Advisory URL: http://www.defensecode.com/advisories.php
    Software: WordPress Easy Modal plugin
    Language: PHP
    Version: 2.0.17 and below
    Vendor Status: Vendor contacted, update released
    Release Date: 2017/08/07
    Risk: Medium
    1. General Overview
    During the security audit of Easy Modal plugin for WordPress CMS,
    multiple vulnerabilities were discovered using DefenseCode ThunderScan
    application source code security analysis platform.
    More information about ThunderScan is available at URL:
    2. Software Overview
    According to the plugin developers, Easy Modal is the #1 WordPress
    Popup Plugin. It's advertised as "Make glorious & powerful popups and
    market your content like never before - all in minutes!".
    According to wordpress.org, it has more than 20,000 active installs.
    3. Vulnerability Description
    During the security analysis, ThunderScan discovered SQL injection
    vulnerabilities in Easy Modal WordPress plugin.
    The easiest way to reproduce the vulnerability is to visit the
    provided URL while being logged in as administrator or another user
    that is authorized to access the plugin settings page. Users that do
    not have full administrative privileges could abuse the database
    access the vulnerability provides to either escalate their privileges
    or obtain and modify database contents they were not supposed to be
    able to.
    The nonce token is required as the URL parameter. Token value is not
    unique for each request, nor per each URL, so if the attacker manages
    to obtain a valid token value, the module could be exposed to attack
    vectors such as Cross Site request forgery (CSRF).
    3.1. SQL injection
    Function: $wpdb->query()
    Variables: $_GET['id'], $_GET['ids'], $_GET['modal']
    Sample URL:
    File: easy-modal\classes\controller\admin\modals.php
    93 $ids = is_array($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] :
    97 $ids = $_GET['ids'];
    101 $ids = $_GET['modal'];
    110 $wpdb->query("UPDATE {$wpdb->prefix}em_modals SET
    is_trash = 1 WHERE id IN (".implode(',', $ids).")");
    3.2. SQL injection
    Function: $wpdb->query()
    Variables: $_GET['id'], $_GET['ids'], $_GET['modal']
    Sample URL:
    File: easy-modal\classes\controller\admin\modals.php
    123 $ids = is_array($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] :
    127 $ids = $_GET['ids'];
    131 $ids = $_GET['modal'];
    140 $wpdb->query("UPDATE {$wpdb->prefix}em_modals SET
    is_trash = 0 WHERE id IN ($ids)");
    4. Solution
    Vendor resolved the security issues after we reported the
    vulnerability. All users are strongly advised to update WordPress Easy
    Modal plugin to the latest available version.
    5. Credits
    Discovered with DefenseCode ThunderScan source code security analyzer
    by Neven Biruski.
    6. Disclosure Timeline
    2017/04/04 Vendor contacted
    2017/04/06 Vendor responded
    2017/04/13 Update released
    2017/08/07 Advisory released to the public
    7. About DefenseCode
    DefenseCode L.L.C. delivers products and services designed to analyze
    and test web, desktop and mobile applications for security
    DefenseCode ThunderScan is a SAST (Static Application Security
    Testing, WhiteBox Testing) solution for performing extensive security
    audits of application source code. ThunderScan SAST performs fast and
    accurate analyses of large and complex source code projects delivering
    precise results and low false positive rate.
    DefenseCode WebScanner is a DAST (Dynamic Application Security
    Testing, BlackBox Testing) solution for comprehensive security audits
    of active web applications. WebScanner will test a website's security
    by carrying out a large number of attacks using the most advanced
    techniques, just as a real attacker would.
    Subscribe for free software trial on our website
    http://www.defensecode.com/ .
    E-mail: defensecode[at]defensecode.com
    Website: http://www.defensecode.com
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/DefenseCode/