CMS Web-Gooroo < 1.141 - Multiple Vulnerabilities

  • 作者: Kaimi
    日期: 2017-06-01
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • # Exploit Title: CMS Web-Gooroo <=1.141 - Multiple Vulnerabilities
    # Date: 01-06-2017
    # Exploit Author: Kaimi
    # Website:
    # Vendor Homepage:
    # Software Link:
    # Version: <=1.141
    # Category: webapps
    1. SQL Injection
    File: /wbg/core/_includes/
    Vulnerable code:
    $SQL_query = 'SELECT * FROM wbg_users WHERE (login=\'' . $_POST['wbg_login'] . '\') AND (password=\'' . md5(md5($_POST['wbg_password'])) . '\')';
    $USER = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query($SQL_query));
    2. Hardcoded admin user
    File: /wbg/core/_includes/
    Vulnerable code:
    if ((md5($_POST['wbg_login']) == '2d626704807d4c5be1b46e85c4070fec') && (md5($_POST['wbg_password']) == '2967a371178d713d3898957dd44786af')) {
    	$USER = $this->get_megaadmin();
    2d626704807d4c5be1b46e85c4070fec - mayhem
    2967a371178d713d3898957dd44786af - no success in bruteforce, though...
    3. Full path disclosure
    Almost any file, because of lack of input validation and overall bad design.
    CMS log file (besides DB log) location with full path and debug info:
    4. Unrestricted file upload
    Can be done via admin panel as attachment to any publication. No file type checking is performed.