ZKTime Web Software 2.0 – Improper Access Restrictions

  • 作者: Arvind V
    日期: 2017-08-18
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/43019/
  • Exploit Title: ZKTime Web Software 2.0 - Broken Authentication
    CVE-ID: CVE-2017-14680
    Vendor Homepage: https://www.zkteco.com/product/ZKTime_Web_2.0_435.html
    Vendor of Product: ZKTeco
    Affected Product Code: ZKTime Web -
    Category: WebApps
    Author: Arvind V.
    Author Social: @Find_Arvind
    Product description:
    ZKTime Web 2.0 is a cutting edge Web-based Time Attendance software, which
    provided a stable communication for devices through GPRS/WAN, hence, users
    can access the software anywhere by their Web Browser to remotely manage
    hundreds of T&A terminals under complex network condition (WLAN). The
    Application has an administrator role and application user role.
    Attack Description:
    The Application is a time attendance software which allows users to
    download their time and attendance data from the application in a PDF
    Format. The data includes their employee’s id, user-id, gender,
    birth-dates, phone numbers and access-areas. These PDF Files however are
    not properly authenticated. If any user get access to the file-download
    link, he can go ahead and download these files directly without any
    Proof of Concept Links:
    1) http://XX.XX.XX.XX:8081/tmp/report_file/Personnel_20170820144237.pdf
    2) http://XX.XX.XX.XX:8081/tmp/report_file/Personnel_20170820144238.pdf
    3) http://XX.XX.XX.XX:8081/tmp/report_file/Personnel_20170820144239.pdf
    Personal details pertaining to the employees of the company are disclosed
    without their permissions. This leads to violation of user privacy.
    Moreover the information available can be used to mount further attacks.
    Vulnerability Timeline:
    18th August 2017 – Vulnerability Discovered
    20th August 2017 – Contacted Vendor – No Response
    1st September 2017 – Contacted Vendor again – No Response
    18th September 2017 – Vulnerability Disclosed