Wonder CMS 2.3.1 – Unrestricted File Upload

  • 作者: Samrat Das
    日期: 2018-02-05
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/43963/
  • Affected Code:
    public static function _uploadFile() { +
    - if ( ! wCMS::$loggedIn && ! isset($_FILES['uploadFile']) && ! isset($_REQUEST['token'])) return; + private static function uploadFileAction()
    - if (isset($_REQUEST['token']) && $_REQUEST['token'] == wCMS::_generateToken() && isset($_FILES['uploadFile'])) {
    Proof of Concept
    Steps to Reproduce:
    1. Login with a valid credentials
    2. Select Files option from the Settings menu of Content
    3. Upload a file with php extension containing the below code:
    4. Click on Upload
    5. Once the file is uploaded Click on the uploaded file and add ?cmd= to
    the URL followed by a system command such as whoami,time,date etc.
    Recommended Patch:
    Create a whitelist of allowed filetypes.
    The patch that addresses this bug is available here:
    At line 742