TP-Link WR840N 0.9.1 3.16 – Denial of Service (PoC)

  • 作者: Aniket Dinda
    日期: 2018-08-16
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • # Exploit Title: TP-Link WR840N 0.9.1 3.16 - Denial of Service (PoC)
    # Exploit Author:Aniket Dinda
    # Date: 2018-08-05
    # Vendor Homepage:
    # Hardware Link:
    # Version: TP-Link Wireless N Router WR840N
    # Firmware version :0.9.1 3.16 v0001.0 Build 170608 Rel.58696n
    # Category: Hardware
    # Tested on: Windows 10
    # CVE: CVE-2018-15172
    # Proof Of Concept:
    1- First connect to this network
    2- Open BurpSuite and then start the intercept, making the necessary proxy changes to the internet browser.
    3- Goto Quick setup > 
    4- Now as the Burp is intercept is on, you will find an Authorization: Basic followed by a string. 
    5- Now we paste a string consisting of 2000 zeros.
    6- Then forward the connection
    7- Then your router automatically logout and net connection will be gone.