Budabot 4.0 – Denial of Service (PoC)

  • 作者: Ryan Delaney
    日期: 2018-12-03
  • 类别:
  • 来源:https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/45934/
  • # Exploit Title: Budabot 4.0 - Denial of Service (PoC)
    # Date: 2018-10-15
    # Exploit Author: Ryan Delaney
    # Author Contact: ryan.delaney@owasp.org
    # Vendor Homepage: http://budabot.com/
    # Software Link: http://budabot.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1413
    # Version: 0.6 -> 4.0
    # Tested on: 4.0
    # CVE: CVE-2018-19290
    # 1. Description
    # In modules/HELPBOT_MODULE in Budabot 0.6 through 4.0, lax syntax validation
    # allows remote attackers to perform a command injection attack against the
    # PHP daemon with a crafted command, resulting in a denial of service or
    # possibly unspecified other impact. In versions before 3.0,
    # modules/HELPBOT_MODULE/calc.php has the vulnerable code; in 3.0 and above,
    # modules/HELPBOT_MODULE/HelpbotController.class.php has the vulnerable code.
    # 2. Proof of Concept
    Start the Budabot listener, set valid configuration options, and wait for
    the chatbot to announce it's ready in-game.
    Send the chatbot a private message containing "!calc 5 x 5", and the
    Budabot listener will terminate.